Discussion for article #244833
Ads targeted to people who think the “Atlas Shrugged” movies were cinematic masterpieces can look a bit strange to the rest of us.
WTF. This makes “Demon Sheep” look normal. Of course, this is from the campaign whose brain trust thought it would be compelling to have somebody video Rand Paul riding in a car.
Words fail me entirely. Plus this was the hardest I laughed all weekend.
And I watched the old King Kong vs. Mecha Kong movie Saturday night. So, its not like I didn’t have plenty of humor.
Which one is Trump and which one’s Cruz?
that’s an Oscar treasure sir.
Based on what we’ve seen come out today from the Paul campaign, should we assume that his team 1) likes the appearance of desperation? 2) has now hired someone’s 11-year old nephew to save on advertising costs? 3) is trying to cultivate the zombie vote? any other ideas?
Someone should create a cartoon response explaining the Fed is already audited.
“The Goldmain Sachs”
“The Rand Paul”
At least Paul has one fan in regards to his hair, though she’s needs to be more animated.
Is it a Web ad? He only raised $2.5M in the 3rd Quarter and hasn’t released his 4th Quarter fundraising numbers yet. Can’t imagine there being much left for tv ads.
Somehow I think that a colleague of Rand Paul likely made one of these videos about dealing with him.
This is what happens when you have the bad judgment and worse luck to take a wheelbarrow full of money and give it to a creative team composed of nerdy-ass hipster doofuses who have no sense of audience beyond the MFA instructors whose judgments they’ve internalized and labor under the misconception that anyone, anywhere outside of the tragically hippest blocks in Brooklyn thinks this kind of bullshit is amusing.
Are they suppose to be Randist?
I picture hipster doofuses who have MFAs as more the Sanders type, but then I’ve never been to Brooklyn.
Politically, sure, but a client is a client.
And include one explaining that there really aren’t curbside Masturbation Booths in NYC either.
Ha, The Fountain Head was on cable several weeks ago. Starring Gary Cooper of all people.
Circa 1949. Much better than the recent Atlas Shrugged mess.
OK, that’s just fucking weird. And what’s up with the British accents? He couldn’t find American bots to speak in his campaign ad? I could’ve sworn I heard the male bot voice call Ted Cruz, The Cruss. Two more weeks of this nonsense until Iowa and Paul should just call it quits. He’s working overtime to very little effect.
If this ad is any indication, there’s certainly not much in the budget for producing them.