Discussion: WATCH: O’Reilly Lectures American Muslims On How To Avoid Discrimination

Discussion for article #242981

Not all Fox News personalities are evil, but most are, so let’s bomb them all. Unless they have a Million Fox News Personality March. Then we can sort them out.


What does Bill know about it? Idiots are not, sadly, a group that is discriminated against.


“I would tell you and every other Muslim leader, you need a Million Muslims March in Washington with national coverage to speak out against ISIS so the whole world can see it…

… while we reject Syrian refugees and kick out Muslim immigrants."

There, Bill. I complete your statement for you.


“Bill O’Reilly argued that it was the responsibility of American Muslims to convince ‘unsophisticated thinkers’ that their religion is not inherently violent.”

And it’s the job of Bill O’Reilly to convince ‘unsophisticated thinkers’ that Fox is not a perpetual loop of lies.


Did Bill get a memo from Roger stating “We need to tone down our anti-Muslim rhetoric”?


And not all Nazis were bad Nazis. Some of the good Nazis came over after the war to help freedom with bioweapons and rockets and all the good stuff they learned from experimenting on Jew and gypsy and Russians. Heck, we wouldn’t know you can’t create conjoined twins just by sewing together a plain old pair of regular twins without their valuable research.

“It's almost like Germany in—during the Nazi regime. Not all Germans were Nazis, but we had to kill them all and bomb the hell out of their cities to break that movement.”

No, you hate-mongering excuse-making sonofabitch. As Trevor Noah so brilliantly pointed out, people in the Nazi party knew what they were about. Islam is a religion, and as with any religion, extremists among them do bad things. And as with any religion, that doesn’t indict all its adherents.

The vast majority of adherents to those religions in no way support the actions of the radicals, and in fact disown them from their faith. But being a fucking Nazi meant you were down with that murdering shit. It’s not like a Nazi joined up because of the food and the fashion but drew the line at the killing part.

EDIT: If we’re talking about the killing of Germans who were not Nazis, my mistake. So what he’s arguing for is mass indiscriminate slaughter of Muslims over wide swaths of the Middle East, you know, like we did in Iraq. My bad. He’s an even more evil and sick bastard than I gave him credit for being.


Where, oh where will Bill ever find a medium capable of reaching “unsophisticated thinkers”?


LOL! Wait, wait, wait … did O’Reilly just imply that he is a “sophisticated thinker?” Oh, man.


““It’s almost like Germany in—during the Nazi regime. Not all Germans were Nazis, but we had to kill them all and bomb the hell out of their cities to break that movement.””

Earth to Bill O’Reilly: the only people trying to “kill them all” during World War 2 were the Nazis.

I mean, this is just fucking insane. These people are making the arguments the Nazis made…LITERALLY…and then claiming that what they’re really doing is trying to get rid of the people they compare to the Nazis.

The font of doublethink overfloweth.


One of the first things that refugees should learn is to avoid FoxNews at all costs…


: O’Reilly Lectures American Muslims On How To Avoid Discrimination

Bill OReilly
Writing his own Onion Headlines since 1996
Seriously Bil how much are they paying you?


More like master of sophistry.

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He’s a devout Costanzan, thus “If he believes the lie then it is true.”


Again, wait a minute … I thought he was Master of Loofah!!

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LOL. You know, George really does represent FOX Entertainment in a nutshell.

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That’s some 100% pure, grade-A, refined Whitesplaining, that is. Primo stuff.


Billo calls for a million Muslims to converge on the Mall–so as to provide a concentrated target for a million Drone attack.


Bill, if your opponent chooses killing innocence as a strategy, it is still morally wrong for you. World War II was an atrocity for all, and the atrocities committed by the allies may have been forgiven by history, but they are not a recipe for victory today.

Islam, like all religions, is a force for intolerance and hate. A march won’t change that. A bomb won’t stop it. The only approach that works against religion is secularism. It’s free speech. It’s secular education. Again, the only long term fix for intolerance is tolerance.