WTF, Ilsa?
Every girl over 10 who crosses the border is given a pregnancy test, Nielsen says
Nielsen said she doesn’t know how many children are in custody
Pathetic sycophancy
What do she thinks this will buy her personally, career-wise or monetarily ? I know at this point she is avoiding jail, but at some point she must have thought that there was some benefit in serving trump.
Trump can have his caca and eat it too.
Does she still want wall? Must have wall!
She, Nielsen, must be told that she is either a liar or an incompetent.
This is not being rude.
We have always been at war with Eurasia Eastasia Oceania.
It’s so haarrddd to keep up with the Trumpartei line!
For dog’s sake, Ms. Nielsen, have some pride. Leave while you still can. Whatever excuse for this behavior you think you’re going to rely on when the reckoning comes, it’s not going to work.
“Nielsen Ties Herself In Knots To Avoid Saying Trump Was Wrong.”
If she thinks these questions are tough, just wait till she hears what they ask at the coming Nuremberg trials…
Good god. She’s not getting any better.
Well, if you look at the context of her answer to Rep. Langevin’s question, she was precisely ambivalent on the facts.
Good idea!
I wish they would.
Dotard T rumpp does like him some dumb blondes, doesn’t he?!
@tena, That would make her ignorance of the duties of her job all the more revealing. She should not be in that position to begin with. I agree completely! Make a spectacle of her ignorance by sending her out to get the information they need.
She’s really pathetic. And supposedly she’s in charge of all of this.
[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:5, topic:85229”]
Trump can have his caca and eat it too.
[/quote]It’s like … magic.
Or … lying.
OT, i just saw that Wendy Davis might be back in the race for Senate.
Against Cornyn? Interesting. First I’ve heard. I hope she hires a different campaign manager. Whoever she was using last time was not very good.
Its elsewhere here at TPM. She’s waiting for Castro to decide if he wants that shot.