Discussion: WATCH: MSNBC Walks Through San Bernardino Attackers' Home

Discussion for article #243446

This landlord should be in jail for obstruction of justice, or at least for being an asshole. That’s a crime in California still, right?


Wow, you see movies that portray media overreach as cautionary tales, and guess what, the next day it’s their business model.

I’m hoping we’ll get a whole passel of journalists in obstruction of justice or interfering with a crime scene charges.

Before entering the apartment, Sanders said he was caught in the crush of reporters trying to enter

So, what, someone sent out a Twitter message telling all the news organizations that the apartment was fair game?


Why wasn’t that sealed off? Presumably there would be fiber evidence,at the very least,and probably fingerprint and other forensic evidence that would need to be collected.


“Presumably there would be fiber evidence,at the very least,and probably fingerprint and other forensic evidence that would need to be collected.”

Not any more! This smells fishy to me.


Dang that “liberal” media…

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These assholes are ghouls. Wait, these ghouls are assholes. One of those. Both.


I would assume that its illegal to trespass on a crime scene until all evidence has been removed. And this was a crime scene as they were using it to store an arsenal and make bombs. Why was the premises not sealed? And then a shakedown by the landlord? Good grief – the greed of all parties is disgusting. Reckless stunts like this give the family of the attackers just the excuse they need to claim evidence was tampered with.


I was waiting for him to hold up a dirty diaper, smell it, and hypothesize if the bay was fed goat or not


Holy shit.

Of course, if you understand that the US treats mass murder first and foremost as consumable content (rather than, say, an unconscionable stain on our national character), then this makes a lot more sense.


I think this may be the first time I’ve ever said this, but these journalists probably should be in jail.


Are you kidding? An active crime scene with possible clues to motivations?? What are these idiots in the media thinking, and what on earth did the landlord think he had the right to do under the circumstances.

By the way, the coverage on a local news station in SF, with no network affiliation, did a better and more thorough job of reporting than anything MSNBC had to offer. No endless parade of “experts”… just the facts ma’am. So refreshing!


Yeah, me too. If they hadn’t let the media in the cops would have found fibers leading to a batch of Islamic clothing produced by the CIA for psyops. The fingerprints would turn out not to exist, except in a database that triggers a warning to a supersecret government agency. There was no time to clean the apartment before the twenty false terrorists attackers made their escape, so they betrayed two of their members to ensure the narrative. The Illuminati knew that, so they arranged for the “landlord” to Tweet that he was going to open the apartment and make sure that the media was aware. Now Obama’s going to confiscate every American’s guns and declare himself Generalissimo for Life.



He said the apt had been released to him and the FBI had taken down the seals and scene tape. Also Inside Edition paid him $1000 cash to be first in, of course he will report that on income tax, right, being mr ethical and all.


When I was in J-school, they made you take a class in “media ethics.” I am ever more certain each day that modern journalists --apparently being abnormally born without either any ethics or common sense-- are no longer being required to learn such things.


I don’t think they will hire you if you have ethics, they shue you away to small markets in the mid west


JESUS F. CHRIST! Why wasn’t law enforcement stationed at a crime scene where a threat to national security may have been fomented?!?!?!? Cromey and everyone below him should be fired.


If it was a crime, then my neighbor wouldn’t park her Hummer on the street all the time.

At the least it should’ve been taped.

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I don’t know what they could be charged with beyond felony stupidity, I think there is some good civil case that could be made, especially showing juveniles. THe landlord said the crime scene had been released. I am shocked some of that stuff was left, such as the two korans I would have had them examined for writings or invi=sble ink writings inside. The pictures also, I would want to run down who they were, and besides they need to be protected from moron Trump followers shooting them.