Discussion for article #232541
O’Reilly is ‘jealous’ of anyone that may take the spotlight off of him for a few moments.
Yup… she put a little tarnish on his crown and he ain’t havin that.
yep everyone is jealous of a orginization that continues to lie with relish to its hate inspired viewers thru fear and division of this country for the benefit of its tru ayn rand hero’s the koch bros and their ilk to sabatoge everything that makes this country great
Billo got jealous?
Wait…the Fox network doesn’t exist to stroke his personal ego?
Bill could look a lot more attractive with his hair styled and some tasteful makeup. Oh, and a pink highlighter too.
Billdo is upset because he’s getting beat in the money demo by a girl!!
Very Publickly.
Billo and KaRo have a lot in common.
BTW-- Anyone see much of KaRo these days?
Fox leads in ratings because it’s the only news channel conservatives watch. The “rest of the media” is all the same to them, so non-conservatives divide up ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, etc.
MK will never be completely free of her Foxness…
with telling statements like ‘everybody is jealous of RogerAiles’ success’…
Lotsa ‘jealousy’ in her rhetoric.
They’ve been rendered incapable of thinking outside the Fox.
Bill is jealous because Megyn is getting to spend more quality time with Roger’s dick these days. It’s like a middle school cafeteria over there.
“A lot of people want to make Roger Ailes into the boogieman because they’re jealous of his success.”
Oh, blow it out your ass! People hate him because he is scum, and continually unleashes a pandora’s box of ugly, racist, conservative ills all across the country, and on a daily basis.
“A lot of people want to make Roger Ailes into the boogieman because they’re jealous of his success. They’re afraid of Fox News.”
But not for the reasons you think. And no, not jealous of his success, but in awe of his utter lack of a moral compass.
I’d feel safer knowing the network was run by a literal boogieman, than fat nixon-ite pig, roger ailes.