President Obama was eloquent, dignified, and delivered several zingers about what patriotism and governmental service should really mean. I know no one from the GOP would ever say this publicly, but McConnell or one of the other of the Trump sycophants must have been thinking, “Damn, we’ve got no one who is that honorable, intelligent, humane, or honest on our side.”
What Meghan McCain said was memorable and necessary.
the “America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because it was always great.”
contrasted her father’s legacy with the “opportunistic appropriation” and “cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly.”
“My father was a great man. He was a great warrior. He was a great American. I admired him for all of these things, but I love him because he was a great father.”
Meghan’s words were memorable. However, I can’t buy into the suggestions that she should follow her Dad’s path and run for office. Just a few months ago on The View, Meghan was still using the meme “crooked Hillary” and laughing because she thinks it’s an appropriate description. She doesn’t have John McCain’s sensibilities.
I wouldn’t suggest or even think for a minute she should run for office. Right now she’s a daughter who misses her dad. Just for today other criticisms of her and whatever else she’s said done can be put aside
I agree with you - she is entitled to her thouhts, words and to our support at this time. (I was just surprised by how many typically liberal commenters on other sites were suggesting that she could run for office and mend the political divisions that exist.)
I really doubt that. Of course they don’t have anyone that honorable, intelligent, humane, or honest on their side, but that doesn’t seem to bother them a bit. If winning is everything, then the current occupant of the White House is perfect for them. He will stop at nothing, there is no law or ethic or sense of decency that will ever curtail his actions no matter who or what might be harmed in the process. McConnell, Ryan, Pence and all the rest of them like riding the coattails of a most despicable human because they get what they want in the end. None of them regrets not having a good and decent guy on their side.
We like shiny new objects.
Yeah - not enough to see Meghan McCain heal the political divisions since I don’t think she could.
Agree. Well said.
Politics doesn’t pay nearly as well as morning bullshit talk shows. She shouldn’t even think about veering away from what she does best though it’ll linger in cyberspace for a few more days.
Murkowski, Sasse, Collins, Flake - all of them had opportunities to shine and for the most part always folded. As Josh says, they always cave.
I just read on that Sam Nunberg - Trump courtesan, tower of ethics, and man of noble heart - is vewy, vewy upset about the treatment of Jarvanka at McCain’s funeral. Apparently, they were just about shunned and not seated in the VIP section. I mean, they had to sit with the common rabble! Oh, my stars!
Hey, Sam, here’s a little news: the family of the deceased can do whatever the hell it wants, whether to someone like me or the children of the president or even Lord God Trump himself. They can have a Rockettes kick-line singing and dancing to “I’ll Be Glad When you Are Dead, You Rascal, You!”. They can have the spouse of the deceased dis every attendee who has ever wronged the dearly departed during their lifetime with the foulest language imaginable. They can hire a symphony orchestra to perform the entire Symphony No. 6 by Gustave Mahler (which clocks in at 80+ minutes. Better use the bathroom before the service begins).
Oh, and in case anybody doubted what a skunk he is, Lindsey Graham arranged for Ivankadonk and Jar-Jar’s unwanted attendance. I can almost hear the shrieks of shock and surprise among the TPM posters on this thread.