Discussion: Watch 'Meet The Press' Say Goodbye To David Gregory (VIDEO)

Lehrer is 80 years old, retired. Need to focus.

Don’t let the door hit ya in the ass, ya lily-livered suck-up…

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um… that’s because Russert died suddenly…

Start paying attention

I’ll go with a simple:
Beat it loser!


I stopped watching these shows long ago. They rarely generate any authentic discussion of issues, they never provide broad representation of points of view or constituencies.

Really, who cares whether it’s David Gregory, Chuck Todd or anyone else in that mould? Tim Russert was probably worse than Gregory. He was completely superficial, giving vastly more weight to the cosmetic aspects of debated issues than to their substance. He committed flagrant journalistic malpractice when he interviewed Cheney in the lead-up to the invasion of Iraq and allowed him to state, unchallenged, that “We believe that Iraq has reconstituted nuclear weapons”. Just like that. I actually believe that Cheney had meant to say “reconstituted a nuclear weapons program” but when it came out of his mouth without the word “program”, he paused, as if to see if he would be corrected, and Russert just looked at him like a dumb stump and let it go - it was the end of the program after all. Cheney, the miscreant and war criminal that he is, just smiled. I wish I could find footage of that event.

It is interesting that NBC fired Gregory in such a way as to publicly humiliate him. I do wonder a little bit what that’s all about.


Good luck in your new position as a Sith apprentice, Dave!

Rachel Maddow & Chris Hayes are good right where they are. Ari Melber would be a good choice, he’s wasted on “The Cycle”. Actually I wish they’d give Olberman the job, I’d love to see McCain & Kristol try their BS on him…:wink:

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So now it’s going to be Chuck Toad for MTP, NBC? Thanks for giving me all the reason I needed to continue not watching MTP.


I wonder if Chuck Todd will be challenged (or willing) to do something other than quote polls and give his shallow opinion of what the poll results mean.

I wonder if Chuck Todd will continue to make little jokes that he believes reveal him to be a totally awesome guy.

I wonder if I will ever watch Meet the Press again.

I agree with you about Russert. I’ve never understood the cult admiration of him. I didn’t hate the guy, but I got sick of his interviews as nothing but running old video and then asking the interviewee: “But now you say Y after you said X on that occasion!”

Lazy, lazy, lazy. And completely nonenlightening.

Stewart and Colbert do a similar thing, but do it in depth and with a great deal of humor, plus they analyze the change in position and give an opinion about how important it is (or is not). Makes Russert look like a rookie, not the Great Washington Poobah. I love the word poobah.


No one does schmaltz like the Biscuit Company (just tune in what’s left of the Today show) and who better than the grasping Aunt Jemima of Beltway conventional wisdom to trowel on the sugary cheese? (Just tune in what’s left of the Today show.)

Chuck Gregory?

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No one cares, about this insipid show or host.

Please let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

I know my joy at his departure will be short lived, because cockroaches like Gregory will always – to our continued amazement – end up with another sweet gig on another news show, likely on Fox as a pet “liberal”.

There is seemingly no way to fail in the media. Once you’re a made man, you’re always employed.


I don’t have to watch MTP some more…