Discussion: WATCH: Maddow Catches Trump Doc Trumping Up His Credentials

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Huffpo has a detailed piece about this by a real doctor.


Speaking of medical decisions :smile:

"A federal judge on Thursday definitively blocked a Florida abortion law
to prevent state funds from going to organizations that provide
abortions — after the administration of Gov. Rick Scott made the unusual decision to drop further legal action.

U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle had placed a temporary hold on the
challenged portions of the law hours before the law took effect last



When asked by MSNBC about using the title in his signature without maintaining membership, Bornstein said that the title “has no value” but that he will continue to use it.

Yes, you will continue to use it, because it has no value. Got it.


When asked by MSNBC about using the title in his signature without maintaining membership, Bornstein said that the title “has no value” but that he will continue to use it.

Supreme Allied Commander Dr. Steviedee111, J.D., M.D., CPA, USMC, DVD & VHS begs to differ on the value of credentials.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/8/3/8339782dd6231fb3482b260547836f233785499f.png" width="305" height="165"><img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/a/4/a49f5a93d1f36781adc30fd51d7720eee0730ce7.png" width="175" height="289">

I read that yesterday - it’s a good article that picks apart the doctor’s letter piece by piece. I’m curious as to why no one has followed up with the actual doctor who signed his name to what seems so blatantly written by HO himself!


Dr. Bornstein appears to have received his medical training at the Cooley Law School… Trump only hires THE BEST.


Remind me to correct my business card before appearing on Maddow’s show - I need to remove the reference to being The Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler.


I used to work in medical credentialing for MDNY - predictably enough, a NY-area HMO. This sort of thing isn’t at all uncommon. A hell of a lot of doctors do this: get the paper to put on the wall, flip the group the bird, and just roll on. Nobody questions it. Nobody asks ‘are you still a member of all of those groups on the wall?’ Nobody asks ‘Is this borad certification from the American Board of Cranio-Rectal Inversion still current?’

Patients, by and large, don’t think of these things. So really, while this is a thing, and it goes to the credibility of Trump’s doctor and his ‘all test results positive’ letter (Really? Mr. Trump tested positive for brain cancer? AIDS? Syphilis? Zika? huh.), as ‘oh my god how could he???’ stories go… this ain’t one. This is pretty much on the level of ‘Trump’s driver admits to breaking the speed limit on the Long Island Expressway.’

And for those who (quite reasonably) don’t know, the idea that Trump’s driver feels free to do 85 in a 55 zone is a thing. For those of us who’ve dealt with the LIE, well, when it’s moving, 85’s not uncommon. Keep up with the traffic, or you’re creating a danger. Heck, for that matter, it’s illegal to drive under 40mph on the LIE. Good luck getting up to even 15, during rush hour.


Research on the German Autobahn backs that up. They found that most accidents were caused not by high speeds, but by large speed differentials between moving vehicles. In short, a slowpoke is a hazard.




Yup. Relatively speaking, a slow-moving object is an obstacle - a boulder in the road. All it takes is one person not realizing it in time, and you’ve got a bunch of even slower boulders rolling to a stop, right in the path of all those boulders roaring downstream.

Its also illegal to drive 85 in a 55 zone. Which is why that’s posted as the speed LIMIT.

That line of thinking is just another thread in the “I know better than any laws,so I don’t have to obey any of them” mentality. Stopping at red lights uses more gasoline, so feel free to run through them in an effort to safe gas. Black people get arrested for more crimes, so carry a gun and shoot them to prevent future crime. Who determines which laws DO matter and which ones don’t?

If only there were some way to give people more time to realize there is a slow moving object ahead of them…Hmmm. Like maybe decrease their velocity to increase their reaction time or something?


Loser. Anyone worth anything also has REALTOR™ after their name. Sad!


Which is why, slowly but surely, there are fewer and fewer sections of the Autobahns here without speed limits. They have been doing a stealth job, first by posting on many stretches “recommended speeds” (different shaped sign), then replacing with actual limits.

Of course, when we go to self-driving cars, they will regulate speeds and distances between vehicles, which means we will actually get where we are going both more safely and more quickly (sorry, nerd speaking here)…


I read that the other day too. It was even more dissecting of the letter in question. The good doctor that wrote that piece in HuffPo also mentions in the end that the letterhead shows a Jacob Bornstein. Turns out Jacob Bornstein died in 2010…and here’s his obituary:


BORNSTEIN–Jacob, M.D., 93, passed away peacefully at home on February 18. He was born in 1917 in Chelsea, Massachusetts to parents who had immigrated from Eastern Europe. His life was a tribute to the uniquely American concept of “anything is possible” if you are born here. He graduated from Harvard College (Phi Beta Kappa) in 1938 and from Harvard Medical School in 1942. After serving as a house officer at the Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts he spent three years as an officer in the United States Army during World War II. He came to New York City after the war where he was in the private practice of Internal Medicine for over sixty years. He spent his entire professional career as a staff member of the Department of Medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY. He devoted his entire life to the study and practice of medicine and was completely and unequivocally committed to the care of his patients, who loved and respected him. He is survived by his loving wife, Maida (Seltzer), of over sixty-five years, his son, Harold Bornstein, M.D., his daughters Bonnie (Hyken) and Gail (Wachtel), his daughter-in-law, Melissa (Brown-Bornstein), his sons-in-law, Richard Hyken and Dr. Clifford Wachtel, and ten grandchildren, Kimberly (Boland), Kari (Seletz), and Matthew (Wachtel), Samuel and Lauren (Hyken), Robyn, Joseph, M.D., Alix, Jeremee and Jackson (Bornstein). His medical practice at 101 East 78th Street, New York, NY will be continued in perpetuity by his son and in the future by his grandsons. Funeral services will be held on Friday, February 19th at 9am at the Riverside Memorial Chapel, 76th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.


And the most pathetic thing about this is that the MSM will eventually let this just slide like its no big deal he lied as a Presidential candidate when he used a bogus doctor letter as a testament to his “extremely good health”. How fucked up is that?


He’s going to keep using a thing of no value? Wait, is he a homeopath?


Crooked Hillary had him done in !


Going by my own experience working for doctors who were fellows in this or that prestigious organization, they always kept their dues paid and were up to date with their CEs (Continuing Education credits). I knew of no doctors who used the title of fellow if they weren’t active in the organization. This physician should cease using that title. It’s basically stealing.