Will she be summoned through a magic mirror, or will she appear through the surface of her cauldron?
If the press had an ounce of integrity, every single question would be some form of “Sarah, why did you and the President lie repeatedly to us about the President’s involvement in the hush-money payments?”
If there’s ever a day when my attitude toward Ms. Huckabee Sanders approached something resembling ‘pity’ far off on the distant horizon, today is that day.
But you know what they say about lying with dogs and waking up with fleas. Bad choices lead to bad consequences.
If your best response is “the president has not be charged with a crime” then you know you’re screwed. She’s already lying about what happened, and ignoring all the times that she and Trump said they knew nothing about these payments…and it’s only going to get worse.
Serves them right.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks puffy and as though she’s suffering from sleep loss.
about a minute with 15 lies and 12 deflections in I guarantee any vestiges of pity will evaporate replaced by abject disgust
More likely bingeing on the Haggen Daz.
Yes. That’s mean.
Yes, it is mean, but it made me laugh.
Anyone else having trouble withe TPM menu? Selections go to blank pages when I try to use it.
Her sleeves look like huge nightmare leeches eating her arms.
Also noticed the seams are showing wear.
Sarah, Kellyanne, and Ivanka could do a passible imitation of the three Stygian witches, passing around Sarah’s good eye to each other.
Well I take it that no problem until charges are filed. Basically “I am not a crook”.
All right that’s cold.
So that immigrant that killed Ms. Tibbets had done nothing wrong till now when he has charges against him?
I’ve got a migraine man, I have an insufficiency of couth and bonhomie to waste on these wastrels
That’s Sarah’s ruffled pinafore dress. I wore something similar when I was a little girl, but it was sleeveless. Also, the ruffles should fold out.
ralph, you are wicked, wicked, wicked. You made me laugh again.
Ugh, my sympathies. But that’s especially good vitriol considering you’re not 100 percent. My hat is off to you.
Yeah, that’s what created the weird effect. It would still have looked goofy, though. She’s got extremely odd taste in clothes to go with all her other failings.
Via cnn.com:
The press secretary says Cohen’s guilty plea involving payments to women does not implicate the President
I would suggest that Ms Hamhock * read the court transcript* of counts 7 and 8. Cohen had only one “candidate for federal office” who he worked for.