Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Warren Joins Clinton For New Hampshire Rally At 12:30 PM ET

When faced with this tag team of smart unflappable women I expect HO to retreat into a fetal position, locked in his bedroom, with his phone and twitter account. I sense a tweet storm coming.


Warren’s on fire for Clinton as she calls out Trump and the Rethugs!
Her theme: “That’s Why We Fight!”
Her message to Trump: “On Nov. 8th, we ‘nasty women’ intend to get you out of our lives forever.”

Go Senator Warren!

She’s a star. And she is great at opening a full can of what the GOP needs:

(*Have to give Bernie a shout out too. Earlier today, when questioned again about “the emails” he was having none of it: “It was a campaign. We said bad things in emails about Sec. Clinton’s campaign too. It’s time to move on.” ) ~applause!~

You gotta absolutely love this…

Get this, Donald, nasty women are tough, nasty women are smart, and nasty women VOTE. On Nov. 8, we nasty women are gonna walk our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.

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Smite them Senator Warren!
Gawwd’…I love her!