I’d rather force my eyes open with clothes pins and stare directly at the sun for 2 hours.
I need a bottle of wine to do this.
Every gaffe shall be exalted.
And every bar be made lowest,
And the straight ways made crooked.
And the plain places made very, very pointy.
Trump can Handel this.
I think this is the day when he officially becomes irrelevant.
Wine, hell. I just opened a new bottle of scotch.
What the Bach?
I can’t listen, I’ve scheduled a liver fluke infestation.
I wonder if some one will point out to him that more people turned out to view the Eclipse than voted for him?
It looks like there may be an irrelevant stampede.
Trump as Commander in Chief? I am still in denial. Sorry.
Whiny’s Cunning Plan
- Stare Directly into the sun for two hours.
- Ship several neo-Nazis over to Afghanistan to attack the terrorists familes
- Prepare the pigs’ blood.
- Get rid of the rifles and arm the troops with slingshots and lumps of coal
- Unleash the Orb.
Why does the increase of troops in Afghanistan require a national address during East coast prime time? It seems to me that the prime time speech should’ve been last Monday to condemn racism, neo nazis, and white supremacists, and mourn the loss of life at Charlottesville and offer comfort to the injured.
I think this is the day when he officially becomes irrelevant.
Please tell me the Know-Nothing-Idiot won’t show up accompanied by Prince and Gorka…
Oh, no, no no… not like Mr President Bad Example !
Trump Looks At The Sun During Solar Eclipse Despite Shouted Warning
[1]: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/trump-looks-at-sun-during-solar-eclipse
Edit: Add hyperlink… I think…
Come for the krazy, stay for the shitshow!
People should stop making such a big deal about his looking at the sun. His whole goddamn presidency is taking place despite shouted warnings. The sun-looking was like four minutes and not the worst four minutes either.
“Trump squeezes all the Charmin ™ he can when Mr. Whipple’s not around.”
H/T Weird Al.
Barbara Lee, Democrat of Oakland, the only member of Congress who opposed dubya’s Iraq war authorization, knew what she was talking about in 2001 and still knows and no else remembers.
In seeming fulfillment of the Oakland Democrat’s prophecy, President Trump will use that same authorization to send potentially thousands of additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan in an effort to reverse gains by the Islamic State’s terrorist affiliate in the country, the Islamic State in Khorasan, White House sources have indicated.