Dear modern day GOP
Why isn’t your candidate in western Pennsylvania?
Better yet, why is he in a state that he will likely take, as opposed to a state that is ripe for taking?
Like Florida
Sorry TPM, I’ll pass on this one for sure. Don’t want to hear lie after lie and hate this man spews out of his mouth.
Remember, you can’t spell GROPE without G-O-P.
And, GOPer is just an anagram.
Ix-nay on the advice-ya!
Ring me up if Trump collapses on stage or leaps headlong into his audience of enraptured bog people while clamping down on a large, live halibut in his mouth. Otherwise, DCMICY .
I’d rather have my fingernails ripped off, one by one, then voluntarily listen to this dick speak.
Trump: ‘We Should Just Cancel The Election’ And Hand Me The Presidency
Sorry Fuckface von Clownstick…it does NOT work that way
For some reason TPM’s servers have failed on the article with that headline… I had to post my response here.