Go to Hell.
Is drumpfy big investigation finally over? Of will drumpfy finally admit he is a liar?
Oh, this should be good. He may sort of apologize but not before lying about everything. That’s what narcissistic psychopaths do.
Will he take questions from the press ? uhm, never mind…
This is complete BS.So after years of peddling this racist crap and basing your popularity with the deplorables on this, he now “disavows” it and the media hail this as a major event. CNN has a nauseating headline on the website " Death of birtherism". They can’t wait to pump up this guy, as Les Moonves said - he is great for ratings. Thats all they care about.
Why is this news? Why do any new outlets cover this? Trump’s perpetuation of his lie about this fundamental and long-standing fact should be treated as the absurd outlying crazy that it is, NOT as news.
I would prefer that we be discussing his fraudulent business dealing, his taxes, and his racist policies.
He will announce that he will form a committee to investigate Obama’s birth. Of course he will blame Hillary
A round of beer for everyone if he blames the whole thing on Hillary. He’ll say something like, “I wouldn’t have brought it up if Hillary didn’t mention it. Since I trusted Hillary at that point I investigated it. She lied and proved she can’t be trusted. And is unfit to be President. I’ll never lie to you. I’ll make America great again.”
Won’t this deflate the morale of the millions of Deplorables who still believe the African is Lyin’? To whom will they now turn?
I’ll buy a Prime membership for 5 people if Trump says “I was wrong”
The only “suspense” left for Sr. Trump to sustain is how many Americans will demonstrate their total ignorance by voting for him in November.
I just heard that he changed this get-together from a Press Conference to just a gathering so he can give “a major announcement”. I also heard that David Fahrenhold showed up for the first time so he could try to get in a question, probably related to his lengthy on-going reporting on the Trump Foundation, and now that its not a press conference…that ain’t gonna happen. Trump has made sure of that. So Fuck it. The scamming by Drumpf continues unabated…He leads the press around like a bull by the ring in its nose…or if you will, just more stringing them along for the ride. And yes, they will comply. Its sort of what we’ve come to expect from the press now.
Small room—looks like five rows max in front of the press area.
Are the Hawaiian investigators going to give their report?
Dollars to donuts he’ll announce that he’s got new information but he’ll wait for a more appropriate time to share it.
No. Fuck you Drumpf. I’m not watching your stupid event to watch you blame someone else for your odious and despicable actions.
Just fuck off already.
That’s exactly what he’ll do.
Does everyone but me have audio?