Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump, Pence Speak At Economic Club Of New York At 11:30 AM ET

Argle-bargle, abracadabra, everyone’s gonna be rich!

There, now you don’t have to tune in.


Is Clinton back on the campaign trail today?

Yes, will be in our state today.


They will be tarred and feathered.

If Trump beats Clinton, it could wipe as much as $1 trillion from the US economy

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trumpence -

The return on investment of a con, bribe, theft or fraud. This could include the direct financial benefit of a scam or plot, but also can be used to represent the emotional boost a narcissist or sociopath gets from feeling superior to those they have manipulated and tricked.

If the polls keep heading in Trump’s direction I’m thinking of parking my IRA in a non interest bearing account for awhile and making a bet on a gold ETF.


Nothing counts until the debates.

Trump suffers temporary teleprompter glitch

Donald Trump’s speech on economic policy got off to a rocky start Thursday, as the famously unscripted candidate was forced to revert to his notes when a teleprompter loaded with his speech apparently failed.

So now Donnie needs to once again keep working on the teleprompter glitch of the trickster King of the muddied stance of the claim of the not lengthy or memorable phone call of the hardening of the softening of the detail dodging of the walk-back of the flip-flop of the sarcasm of the stumble of the tongue of the obfuscation of the abbreviated language of what the loser liberal media poorly covered during the earpiece malfunction of his original, widely documented comments.

Q: What offsets will you have to keep your tax cut revenue-neutral?

A: Blah blah blah blah blah we’ll “cut costs” did you even know we defend Germany and Japan and these other countries nobody ever even heard of?

For those of us approaching retirement, it’s really frightening . . .

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Trump & Pence Speak At Economic Club Of New York

Yes. Let’s see if she can ‘power through’.

But one more Clinton Stumble and it’s all over folks (not meant to be funny).

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump released several new details about his tax plan on Thursday, claiming the proposal would deliver large benefits for low-income and middle-class taxpayers and help deliver supercharged economic growth.

Trump’s economic team estimated that the complete tax plan, combined with rollbacks to some federal regulations and new initiatives to open up more public and private lands for oil and gas drilling, would deliver 3.5 percent growth per year for the next decade and produce 25 million new jobs.

Oh, for chrissake, the mean economic growth rate since 1948 had been 3.22%. Promising to sustain 3.5 over the course of a decade is not exactly exceeding historical performance by an appreciable number. 

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/c/2/c2c8d80df3bd1597c101e8a125b92b4aed97d065.png" width="690" height="321">


Yeah sad to say I agree