Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump Holds Rally In Florida At 12 PM ET

Count the lies,and the character flaws. Both will be in the dozens.

Maybe he’ll announce that when he’s president, he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Paul Ryan and put him in jail!

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I’m hoping he’ll again tell his Florida supporters to “Register and vote on November 28th” like he did yesterday.


WooooWeeee! YamMan says he will “…teach disloyal Republicans a lesson” and “…make 3 or 4 campaign stops a day” until the day of the election. A scorched earth policy, Donnie Boy? rotflmao____ Oh, you’re ‘unshackled’ now and ~snort!~ it IS working! :joy:
The man’s possessed:

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How many are showing up to these things ? And are they true believers or just watching the freak ?

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Two fat white guys now—no Trump.
The election is not about what was said 11 years ago:)

OT slightly but needed for my equanimity today:
My take on trump and his “war with the GOP”
He’s gonna take the ball his daddy bought him and he’s goin’ home…

Ocala? Who’s going to show up? horses?

Old people.

Old white people.

Closing with “You can’t always get what you want,” but sometimes you get what your cynical and hypocritical party so richly deserves…