Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Trump Delivers Naval Academy Commencement Speech

My day has been ordinary thus far. Please, oh please, put him behind the wheel on some naval vessel and allow him to pretend to be a “captain”.


This should be a histrionic, hyperbolic ramblefest.

I feel a little sorry for the graduates. They thought when they started out that they’d be serving under a real president.


Remember Class of 2018: if you are taken as a prisoner of war, you are a loser. Like that guy who voted against me in Congress.


Remember cadets, if they start shooting you can get out of it with “Bone Spurs”
Worked for me

He just “absolved” everyone restricted for minor offenses. Because he has that power, evidently? Wanted to remind people of it for some reason, maybe.

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1 week, Thank god schools almost out

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Really, I don’t know who wrote the speech, but it sounds like BS on it’s own, but then the way he’s reading, and the fact that it’s Donald, really make it seem like complete bullshit.


He’s probably figuring out ways to privatize the Naval Acadamy: The Trump University School of Yatching.


Donald reciting rote history and vainly attempting to imbue it with drama and excitement. Sort of like watching a tongueless cat trying to lick its ass.

It’s boilerplate tradition for the graduation speaker to do it. But, in his case, the irony is somewhat nauseating.


He’ll likely end it with the traditional Naval Academy “Good night Jane Fonda, good night bitch!”. Unless he thinks Jane Fonda shot down John McCain while she manned an anti-aircraft unit.

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Is anyone watching this crap? It’s like the high-school essay that won the Chamber of Commerce’s “Why I Love America” contest being read by a stroke victim.


I can’t watch him read from a teleprompter.

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2 old men sat on a porch watching a dog lick its balls. One says to the other, man I wish I could do that. The other says back, that dog would bite you!


What are you if you get killed in action - other than dead. No one ever asked Trump that question.

Listening just because as I told a coworker, man I don’t feel like doing anything today. And I felt like this would be the closest thing to nothing I could do!

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God knows it’s a waste of time. We’re strong and proud now. We built highways! Nobody else has ever done that.

“Great Reawakening.” We’re proud again. Ooh, we’ve regained the respect abroad that we used to have abroad. Uh-huh.

Bee-yoo-tuh-ful ships.


Can’t believe he didn’t throw building Trump tower in the mix!

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