Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Spicer Gives First On-Camera Briefing In 8 Days At 1:30 PM ET

“Sean, how is the diet going? Is Steve helping you with food and drink choices?”



Yes, it’s really important to simplify the tax code so that businesses can “pursue personal hobbies”

I’ve always said that!


Is he talking? I’m at my local coffee house and without earphones.

Yes, he was only 21 minutes late today.

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Hmm… we will continue to have sanctions against Russia until they leave the eastern Ukraine.

Sean’s gonna get a thump on the head for that one!


I’ll cop at the outset to “meow”, but…

Sean seems to have adopted Tramp’s “eye trick” of wearing an over-sized jacket to look thinner.

Doesn’t work for either of them.


I’m sure TPM will follow up with updates such as: “Spicer Falsely Claims He’s Not Fat; Eats Case of Ding Dongs at Presser.”


re: GA06, “I’ve said in the past that I won’t comment on ongoing races”

Um, what? This isn’t an ongoing investigation, it’s a fucking House race!

ETA: So far NO questions about the investigations, NO questions about Russia, NO questions about Mueller - it’s a tongue bath for Sean


hahahahahahahahahaha that’s fucking nuts. hahahaha

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Unprecedented transparency and access compared to past administrations!

I had to clean off my screen and keyboard on that one!

ETA: Okay, I’m outta here. Seems that Sean’s new dieting technique is Nothing Burgers and I don’t want to ruin more hardware spitting at the ridiculous comments.

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100% effective birth control right there.


you have to be kidding me. what mcconnell is doing is fine because the dems said they wouldn’t be a part of something that repealed obamacare???

i see. so after the january 2009 dinner where gingrich, mcconnell, cantor et al met and decided that they would oppose everything the president tried to do, reid and pelosi should have done EVERYTHING behind closed doors with no hearings? THAT’S the argument??

ok. good to know.


Oh my. That sounds like a surefire recipe for alcohol poisoning, for which there is no medical remedy other than time; it ain’t like a heroin overdose, honey.

Just in case:

Five things to do if someone is showing signs of alcohol poisoning

  1. Try to keep them awake and sitting up.
  2. Give them some water, if they can drink it.
  3. Lie them on their side in the recovery position if they’ve passed out, and check they’re breathing properly.
  4. Keep them warm.
  5. Stay with them and monitor their symptoms.

I nearly died from taking a sip of delicious Alaskan Amber Ale every time the KKKeebler Elf said “I don’t recall” or any variation thereof during his recent Senate testimony.


Bannon was right – he has gotten fat.

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Spicey: Now tell me the truth, do I look fat in this?

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Actually, that image would work much better on the reverse side, with the image about 8 inches lower…

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I thought Spice Boy’s replacement was a done deal. Its Sarah Huckabee-is it not?

Its like, don’t leave mad Spicie-just leave. Oh-and don’t let the podium hit your fat ass on the way out.

the press pool is taking guess-his-weight bets. winner gets a 2 hour ‘date’ with kellyanne.

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