Today is an appetizer before tomorrow’s main course. Enjoy!
I’m ready
I’d like to hear more from Clapper. Clapper yesterday at Australia’s National Press Club:
“I lived through Watergate,” Clapper said of the multiple scandals engulfing the Trump administration. “It was a scary time, I have to say though that I think, you know, compare the two, that Watergate pales in my view compared to what we’re confronting now.”
Then later:
Clapper was deeply troubled when Trump began his presidency by insulting the intelligence community as “Nazis,” after their findings had suggested his election might have been tainted.
“This was prompted, I found, I realized later, by his and his team’s extreme paranoia about and resentment of any doubt cast on the legitimacy of his election which, of course, our assessment did,” Clapper said.
Yesterday on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell he discussed how once it became clear that Nixon had obstructed justice by agreeing with Haldeman’s plan to ask the CIA to tell the FBI to “back the hell off” of the Watergate investigation, Republicans had heard enough and three of them marched over to the White House and informed Nixon that he could no longer survive impeachment. How long will we have to wait after Comey’s testimony on Thursday for anyone in the Republican party to do the same?
Careers are being made with these hearings! How many people who weren’t constituents knew the substance of Mark Warner, Adam Schiff, or Eric Swalwell before the hearings?
And reputations will be destroyed by these hearings, too. Softball questions, distractions, providing cover - we’re all watching!
When is Coats scheduled to testify? He may have the big bombshell.
Ah, I see he is speaking now. I just want to know if he says anything about Trump and Russia.
As long as it takes for a consensus to emerge among the GOP legislators that they’re better off without Trump as President than with him.
His approval is mired in the 30’s already! How much lower do you think it has to go? What will be the tipping point do you think?
Rosenstein: “Do you have any idea how big my secret Russian bank account is? Fuck you all hahahahaha!!!”
I’ll say it again: after a black guy got elected POTUS, they have “had it”, they are in “no holds barred” mode, they have fully internalized the ends justifying the means, nothing is off limits, etc.
I hope not! Ugh!
I couldn’t possibly begin to guess. It’s a tautology with the previous comment but we have to get to a point where one more than half the representatives and one more than two-thirds of the Senators think their political fortunes would benefit from voting for impeachment and conviction respectively. It could happen overnight, or take many months, or the son of a bitch could serve survive the whole four years. My own opinion is things will get worse and worse and eventually he’ll be forced to resign with some combination of threats and rewards. That’s the least painful option for the GOP in my own very limited view. Other folks have a much more informed take but that’s my $.02.
His base (though there’ve been some signs of erosion) is still with him. Plus, what if for key GOP leaders ditching Trump would mean ditching themselves, instead of saving themselves?
It’s a good thing that Dan Coats is so darn cute because he sure is boring…
I had to look-up what tautology was. Ha!
Those guys are one of the few things coming out of this disaster that make me hopeful…
Why does he keep saying NASA, instead of NSA? He did just correct himself.
Edit. He’s 74. Hmmm. He was born in Jackson, MI, just a stone’s throw from here - a republican stronghold that sure has seen better economic days.
Two things hit home hard yesterday that media still hasn’t appeared to fully register…
Trump’s gloating over the insurance loss in Ohio…
Revelation that Trump’s early morning Qatar betrayal tweets actually played into and supported another Russian hack of Qatar’s state news agency, bain of the Saudis…