Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Holds WH Press Briefing At 3:45 PM ET

To announce that she is the new White House communications director?


Oh dear god, YES. It’s 1:15 a.m. here, but I feel like having a cup of coffee.

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Dime to a dollar Kelly is there with her

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Can’t wait for this load of BS.

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Someone PLEASE ask her if the President can really “throw a dead spiral through a tire”

I’m becoming concerned Mooch was lying about that.

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With Kelly in charge, will the briefings start being on time?

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Irony has died once again.

Trump doesn’t want to be linked to vulgarity. Please.


“Scaramucci? Never heard of the guy!”

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Sorry, but I just decided I’d rather have some hemorrhoids cauterized. Maybe some other time.


Suddenly Trump loves sanctions and is imposing them on Venezuela. McMaster and Mnuchin are taking over the briefing with this information (also good for diversionary purposes, I presume)

Well, looks like Kelly put his foot down. “Everyone at the White House” will be reporting to him.

Huckabee, Trump thought Scaramooch made inappropriate comments.
Jeez, what happened to the old “locker room talk” defense?

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It’s not that hard when the tire’s on the ground and he’s standing over it holding the pigskin with both hands…

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