Tune in for this afternoon’s fake news from the Huckabeeyotch…
I loathe SHS as much as the next person, but I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable with the constant disparagement of her based on her appearance. It’s her “dear leader” style, her lies, and her character that are indefensible, not her size. Leave her alone on her weight and her dress style. Her lack of style may have less to do with personal taste and more to do with the horrific choices available to women who wear plus sizes. Time to back off attacking a woman-- again --on her weight. I am also not comfortable attacking Trump’s personal appearance. As appalling as he is, it is his inner ugliness that matters, not his physical appearance.
Too busy to watch! Today is Backyard Leaves Rearrangement Day.
She dresses like Estelle Getty, who clocked in at 96 pounds.
Oh, Donald Trump is a “10”. Just ask him.
Again, it’s not about her appearance and I’m tired of this kind of attack. If it makes you feel good to attack someone’s weight and style, though, go for it.
Clutch those pearls!!
I keep a string of them in the bedside bureau.
Sure—but those have a different purpose . . . .!
Don’t own pearls. And frankly, I have lots of friends who wear plus size and get this shit on a regular basis at work and in public. So your pearls crap merely indicates you feel embarrassed at being called out. Whatever. It’s clear that public discourse is in the gutter. So if you want to emulate your president go ahead.
Jesus, what a question. Is the President doing good things? Yes? Thank you. God.
Sarah showing a little cleavage today?
How ludicrous. Your plus-size friends (like my plus-size sister) are not standing at a WH podium lying through their teeth.
Sanders appearance is part of her persona as press flack, and she gets what she deserves in commentary.
Do not presume to know what any of the rest of feel—and if you so dislike the level of discourse here, the solution is simple.
Close your account and never come here again.
Absent that choice, suck it up and quit being a tiresome scold.
Wow. Hostile. You have the right to say whatever you want. I have the right to say I think it’s infantile and purposeless. Whatever. I’m sure your plus size sister is proud to have you make fun of SHS’s size. I don’t comment much here because it often seems like the comments of 12 yr olds. That’s fine and if it makes you feel better fine. Every so often I feel compelled to point out that it’s kind of unkind and unfair criticism. If you don’t agree, fine. Not like all the mean people in the world will disappear cuz I say something, but all I can do is stand up for being kind over unkind. Not expecting it to change anyone’s behavior or point of view. Just my opinion and also my right to say it out loud in a public fashion. But you are correct. To say you were embarrassed was out of bounds as I don’t know you. You feel fine about criticizing me so I feel fine about saying criticizing people for their weight is always unkind, end of story. Regardless of their political position or public stature. My opinion. My right to state this and you can take it or leave it.
NEON orange, too. Maybe she’s going to a blacklight rave later.
She’s not so overweight that you can’t find business attire. I know.