Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Gives Press Briefing At 2:30 PM ET

Doesn’t she ever get tired of lying to the American people?


I think we could paraphrase that saying about someone whose salary depends on not understanding the obvious to fit this occasion.
She’d be lecturing the less desirable(timewise, quality of students)sections at her Dad’s Bible college if she weren’t up there.
Fellowship of the empty podium commences.

ETA: “Thoughts and prayers” pulled Scalise through!

Maybe that’s why she is always late

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This Gary guy is never as good at the second show.

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Neither watch nor listen to the lying liars paid stooges for the same…


If she tells the truth someone open a new thread proclaiming that (in all caps) otherwise I’ll avoid this as usual.


The longer he answer questions, the more Cohn’s smugness and arrogance just oozes from his pores. He is condescending to the reporters and to the American people (meaning he fits right in with the Trump administration.)


I think Cohn could have just contracted with me or someone else here to write a skit where the answer to every question was the same. It’d be a once in a lifetime opportunity.
ETA: Monster Mash Bossert. Writ large. Full Stop. Searching my files…

HuckSand :“The White House does not have a role on the front end”
“Look” counter --2…3…
“Weigh in” 3,4…

It’s fun watching him get frustrated, reporters asking questions and asking him to explain what it is he’s presenting as point man for tax ‘reform’. Most rich folks really hate and show little patience when having to explain things.


Why would ANYONE waste their time watching Sarah Huckabee Sanders deliver her gibberish?

It is appalling that reporters show up and normalize her unending pack of lies! If she insists on this vaudeville she should suffer having rotten tomatoes hurled at her noggin!

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