NOOOOO. I’ll read the summary.
“The President was very clear in his signing statement…”
Trust me.
3:1 odds on “I have not spoken to the President about that”.
Today, on the Glower McFrownyface Show, Glower confirms that she has not spoken to the president about the message of effusive thanks he received from the Boy Scouts for his much lauded address to the largest assembly of Boy Scouts in recorded Scouting history.
I’m depending on someone watching so they can tell the rest of us what’s happening…
Our very own West Wing “Axis Sally”
What’s she going to lie about today?
Oh my gosh, her hair and make up have improved, along with her wardrobe.
since yesterday?
She’s the one on the left in the above picture.
Hmmm, maybe she was wearing that same outfit yesterday.
hahaha. Feeling particularly dense ATM.
No thanks.
I’m seriously over it
Spicy was mildly entertaining.
Coupled with a lot of inane questions from the pool
This bitch spends the whole time either outright lying or Trumpsplaining
“What the President really said was…” to " It was a joke"
I have cats that need washing or something
I’d say you have a new drinking game.
Going to be a lot of drunks
Or Tokyo Rose without the charm
Q poll released:
August 2, 2017 - Trump Drops To New Low, Close To 2-1 Disapproval, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; 71 Percent Say President Is Not Levelheaded
President Donald Trump plunges to a new low as American voters disapprove 61 - 33 percent of the job he is doing, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. White men are divided 47 - 48 percent and Republicans approve 76 - 17 percent. White voters with no college degree, a key part of the president’s base, disapprove 50 - 43 percent.
Today’s approval rating is down from a 55 - 40 percent disapproval in a June 29 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University. This is President Trump’s lowest approval and highest disapproval number since he was inaugurated.
American voters say 54 - 26 percent that they are embarrassed rather than proud to have Trump as president. Voters say 57 - 40 percent he is abusing the powers of his office and say 60 - 36 percent that he believes he is above the law.
The official presenting the President’s new immigration program outright lied about procedures for obtaining a green card - so he fits right in. (but at least he’s getting some pushback from reporters.)