Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Sarah Huckabee Sanders Delivers Press Briefing At 2 PM ET

The woman looks like a badly assembled Miss Potato Head come to life!
All I want to know is what is she wearing.


She looks like a Doctor Who alien in an ill-fitting human suit.


1st amendment—does that say press has to be accurate?
Really, Sarah?

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Jim Acosta: “Does the President value the 1st amendment as much he values the 2nd?” Good question but you can guess what Huckabee Sanders’ response was - basically, that the media needs to tell the truth which (to her and the President) means brag about fictitious accomplishments. Several reporters tried to follow up on Acosta’s question, but she cut them off.

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I watched for 2 minutes. More than enough. SHS is as much use as a whoopee cushion in relaying facts to the press. 100% personal opinion regarding what should be fact, and 0% regarding what actually is fact.

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She refused to answer whether the press should be investigated by Congress.

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Actually, i believe she said 'No" as she was trying to avoid eye contact and move along to the next question. That’s right before the moment when i decided enough BS was enough.

Oh, darn. I wanted another reason to laugh today.

What is she going to lie about today?

She is even more defensive and evasive than usual - everyone at the White House must be feeling the stress of a chaotic administration, the Russian investigation, Puerto Rico, etc. Wow - she just finished tearing apart viciously the mayor of San Juan. Could they possibly feel like that is a winning strategy?


Ok, she’s horrible, not trustworthy, and entirely cringeworthy. But why do my fellow TPMers continually attack her physical appearance? I’m a dyed-in-the-wool Dem, and I’m sure many trashing SHS appearance would be horrified to have that done to Hillary, Kamala Harris, Pelosi, or any other left or left-ish woman. Knock it off and attack her words and lack of integrity. It’s plenty easy to do.

A Miss Potato-Head sack.

Shuckabee is shameless.

Ever since Sarah Hackysack Cankles first burst upon the scene, she has always reminded me of something but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. And then a few moments ago it hit me:
THE CRUSHINATOR!, from “Futurama”

Not a fan, but truly, if she were a he, would this discussion be happening?

Check the latest catalog from North Little Rock Tent and Awning.

Yes, it would.

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