Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Perry Faces Confirmation For Head Of Dept. He Wanted To Axe

Shouldn’t the headline read, “Perry Faces Confirmation For Head of Dept. He Couldn’t Remember?”


Perry was simply a Republican ahead of his time. He forgot…Trump never even knew.

he looks terrified and smug at the same time, if that’s possible.

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“Perry is expected to face a relatively easier confirmation process than other Cabinet nominees,…”

Perry very publicly advocated for the elimination of the Cabinet position he's nominated for. Credible reports are out today he had a limited grasp of what the department even did. Trump campaigned on promises to expand and modernize our nuclear arsenal, deeming it a critical issue needing urgently addressed. Yet his Cabinet nominee has no formal education or training in nuclear technology, of any sort.
Yet he faces an easy confirmation.
Ain't democracy grand?

There should be lots of support for Perry in Pubbie circles. We don’t need government involved in what the Dept. of Energy does. Why, just imagine the money a privatized Dept. of Energy could make by selling off our nuclear weapons to terrorist groups, North Korea, and whoever else would like to buy some. :smile:

added smile to indicate snark

Cabinet nominee has no formal education or training in nuclear technology, of any sort.

Pubbies know that having knowledge of what you are dealing with is un-American.

This Guy Is An Idjit…and yes, he’s also from Texas.



I like how his face colour matches his vest… and lot of energy, of the more annoying kind…

Edit: It is a pity he is not Sec. of Defence, he would look good leading those military parades past the Big Leader, he is a fully qualified cheerleader too…

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This fool is always smiling, a very bad sign.


Nonsense. He’s merely getting his prescription pain relief pills under control. Not a problem at all.

Perry seems incapable of pronouncing “nuclear” correctly - sort of lame for someone who wants to be in charge of nuclear weapons.


Thanks Texas; go to hell.

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He should have been a gay porn star----I mean, publicly:)


Yeah, but saying “Oops” to the director on a porn shoot probably doesn’t cut it.

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Perry is expected to face a relatively easier confirmation process than other Cabinet nominees, including State Department pick Rex Tillerson, Education Department pick Betsy DeVos and Health and Human Services pick Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), whom senators from both parties have grilled on their political ideologies and ability to check the President-elect.

He should be the easy one ? Kill me now, please


We done showed them stupid libruls. What could go wrong?