Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Obama Delivers Final SOTU Address At 9 P.M. ET

Discussion for article #244582

And it begins…Fist bumps for POTUS.

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I am ver klempt already!!

Fuck I love thjs guy,

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I tortured myself by having MSNBC on to watch it before it began…and the commentary…OMG. It felt like nails on a chalkboard it was that painful to listen to for the most part.

Beautiful tangerine outfit for FLOTUS. And those guns…whoa. Sleeveless too.
Did anyone tell her its freezing outside?

Paul Ryan sounds like a typical jerk still minus his beard.
Obama starts with a joke…good one too.
Keeping it short so everyone can get back to Iowa. Hah.

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Chammy, like I said earlier today:

But Ryan looks like he swallowed a turd when Obama said “Equal pay for equal work” and the rest right at the beginning of the speech.


Fun fact: Solar power is already employing more people than the fossil fuel industry in this country…and Republicans just hate that.

Doesn’t Michelle look radiant tonight? Can you imagine Carly Fiorina ANYwhere in that room?



but when if ever will Eddie Munster clap?

He looks like he’s holding back a slider.

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You’d think the GOPers would clap at stuff they agree with. But Noooo. They just can’t. They refuse.
Fuckwafs (and I really think they should be at least polite). They can’t even clap for a reduced deficit.


US has the strongest most durable economy in the world. The longest job growth in history. 14 million new jobs. Best year in autos evah! Cut our deficits by 3/4. And no help from the GOP to accomplish all that, thank you very much.

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At least John of Orange showed some emotion.

Sadly it was because he was channeling white zinfandel and a quick Pall Mall.

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She is fabulous


Income inequality is at the heart of how we’ve failed to lift those out of poverty and sustain the middle-class.

Free Pre-K for all…hey, maybe like Oklahoma.
Recruit more teachers.
Make college affordable…Get rid of college debt. When they get rid of making students pay for lavish football stadiums and the upkeep, those colleges might be willing to put more money into actual student services, teacher salaries, and lowering students overall costs. Yeah, that’ll be the day.

Social Security needs strengthening. Not cutting.
ACA helps those that lose a job still be able to maintain their health insurance.
Obama jokes that Repukes will never agree on healthcare…Uh, no. After 60 votes against Obamacare…I think you’re right Mr. President.

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OMG This President is knocking it out of the park,


A knockout without a doubt

If you want to reignite the economy and the spirit of discovery and innovation, put money into education. K-12 and college.
In contrast republicans in AZ have cut our state’s universities every goddam year for the past 46 years.
And cure cancer? Watch the GOP try to stop that. I’m serious…they will.

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Knocking it outta the park is what I expect from him

I’m anticipating Obama doing some serious trolling of the Republicants.




DO IT!!!

Bottom line. These Republicans don’t want to do anything that benefits the average low-wage or struggling citizen in this country. Their response is always the same. We can’t afford this or that. But for war, big business and their favorite donors…the sky is the limit as to what they’re willing to go to bat for. These GOP jokers are soooo fucking in it for themselves and their wealthy benefactors. Won’t even consider any other view but their own dogmatic approach to their own twisted ideological perspective.

Talking to these GoOPers about climate change is like talking to a stubborn wall of ignorance.

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