Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Hillary Clinton To Hold Airport Press Briefing At 10 AM ET

It will at least get some air time. Unless Trump is cutting the ribbon on a new golf course somewhere and promises some big reveal.


She has definitely decided to goad Trump.
I almost think this is tit-for-tat over the assassination threat.
Trump’s thumb arthritis is about to have a severe flare-up.
“He doesn’t have a secret plan—the secret is he has no plan”


Was that last question from KellyAnne?


Well played, Madame President let’s wait for the Twitter-storm from Donnie…


Wish the Democrats would all use words like “unstable” or “cowardly” or “erratic” to refer to Trump with the same level of consistency that the R’s use the same verbiage when referring to an issue or a Democratic candidate.

Those might provoke a response, providing his sitters haven’t locked his phone away in a cabinet somewhere.


Pence will demand an apology, if he hasn’t done already so in advance of the press conference.


“He doesn’t have a secret plan—the secret is he has no plan” was a great soundbite.


That was EXACTLY what I was thinking. Tony Schwartz at work here. I feel like next week is about prompting material for attacks at the debate. And he is going to comply.

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If Americans want a thoughtful, reasoned, tough and serious approach to dealing with ISIS, Secretary Clinton provided it in this press conference. Two highlights for me were honing in on the intelligence surge as the area where government policy needs to step up w/private tech co cooperation and dismissing Trump as having a no plan ‘secret’ plan to combat ISIS. I think those two statements are most telling and will carry the most weight on this question in the debate.


She is saying what Republican national security folks are saying. It’s not a radical step. It keeps her on offense.


Well, if there’s time. Since no one’s ever asked an email Q, we must spend considerable time on it, before we move on to minor issues.

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“Secretary Clinton, we have Donald Trump on the phone and he would like us to ask you why you sent your supporters to blow up that dumpster yesterday. As briefly as possible”

With today’s political press corps, it’s all about “What have you done for me lately?” Whichever one is patting their heads and giving them personal access gets nice words.

When McCain was feeding them doughnuts on his campaign bus, he got glowing reviews. Now that’s a thing. Unless the candidate coddles and praises the press, they get grumpy and couch all their stories in negative terms.

Except for Trump, oddly - the more he assaults them and insults them, the more they gush over him. I really don’t get it. How many times do they have to be banned, excluded, “played” and threatened before they start actually reporting the horror of his candidacy? I keep thinking the media might finally get a clue and escape their abusive relationship with Trump, but after every pounding, they come back for more.

Someone has mentioned Stockholm Syndrome before. Guess they are like lobsters in a pot - the heat gradually rises and they don’t notice that they’re done yet.

I called them akin to a battered woman the other day. Hopefully that birther “press conference” may finally be a turning point… in other words if even that one doesn’t wake them up, we are screwed.