Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Hillary Campaigns With Obamas, Bill Clinton At 7:30 PM ET

The day I have been waiting all year for is tomorrow. I plan to spend much of Election Night outside of the very trailer park that is festooned with Trump-Pence signs and WAS packed with McCain-Palin signs back in 2008. In 2008 the screams of “ni(CLANG!)” and the crash of empty whiskey bottles hurled into the cheap paneling of double-wides was delicious. Once it was official, I went into my trunk and got the huge ‘PRESIDENT OBAMA’ banner out of it and stapled it to some elm trees, facing the trailer belonging to the guy that hosted the loudest ‘party.’

You should hear Trumpholes like Sean ‘Mr. Potato Head’ Hannity and Ann ‘the Man’ Coulter seething with fury. Ann The Man is wondering why The Creamsicle did not try to humiliate the press over his making fun of a handicapped man since it wasn’t true (it was) and Mr. Potato Head snarled he was going to hunt down and blame every conservative who did not back his hero. I am sure they are quaking in their boots at the idea of his approach.


If you get poor audio, CSPAN is covering as well.

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Thank you, no. I will be able to hear the drunken screams of helpless fury just fine from my vantage point.


LOL. I meant the rally coverage tonight!

Oh that. No, I have to finish buttoning up the lawn for the winter while the weather’s good.

So when Philadelphia once again votes 100% for a Democratic candidate, the GOP will once again wonder why…

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would love a crowd estimate but no one does those anymore

Thanks for that. C-span works much better than what’s up here.

all the live streams are sucky for some reason. Patch, Heavy, You Tube…

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I love the music that the Michelle Obama came out to.

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She’s making me cry as she talks about POTUS


Same with Michigan. For some dumb reason Repubes like to always think they’re tossup states.

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OMG, that’s more than 20,000, which is what MSNBC is estimating. That crowd is HUGE (and makes her opponent’s crowds look puny by comparison).


And I can feel the amazing energy through the airwaves. This is so stirring!


What a phenomenal speaker Obama continues to be…What a joy its been to listen to his speeches over the years. That’s hard to say about most politicians in general but he has the unique special gift of oratory.


She really looks wonderful and rosy and healthy!


and Happy!


Nice shout out to the Obamas from Hillary: They’ve served with grace, strength, brilliance and a whole lot of cool.


The President of the United States leaning down and helping with the step, wow. There’s a metaphor for you.