Discussion for article #223800
While Hagel is there, maybe he can say what we’re doing to help Iraq since militants have taken over Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq.
Gee, you mean Bush’s invasion and occupation didn’t result in a Pax Americana lasting centuries?
Don’t worry about it. All those captured vehicles will be, no doubt, stopped in their tracks by the barricades of flowers and candy promised by Cheney, Rumsfeld & company…it’s all part of a plan.
As far as the House sideshow, why doesn’t the camera leave Hagel during questioning and highlight the Representative doing the interrogation? I know they’re not bashful. Koch Bros. Cameraman’s Local 812 maybe?
“We do it all the time!” ??? That’s the way we treat our vets? Drag them home sick to torture them by Republican firing squads?
Mr. Preston isn’t looking strong.