So any bets on today’s chosen demographic group for the Drumpfster Fire to attack?
Not too many left unscathed.
The gop is being unfair to him
Perhap’s he thinks the GOP is rigged?
70% chance he’ll talk/rage about Pence endorsing Ryan.
Can you fire a VP candidate?
The guy is such a loose cannon they cover his stump speeches live. Amazing.
Spittle shields are going for $20.
I’ll beteven Nostradamus couldn’t predict what he’ll melt down over today.
Maybe he’ll go meta and yell at himself!
Is he starting to use “town hall” format because he can’t get big crowds anymore? I think he intentionally is using small forums so he can brag about people waiting outside to get in, even though the venue only holds about 1000.
It’s well known that he’s been giving away/selling more tickets then there is room for in the various venues. Then bitching about fire marshals making him follow the rules.
WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Holds Florida Town Hall At 3 PM ET
Why, I have seen that train wreck over and over again.
Is he going to do something novel like actually pivot, or is he going to insult somebody new? Yesterday it was a mother and child. Who today an old white guy.
Prediction: Trump will get through this event without a serious gaffe, maybe even come off as relativley sane and stable. At which point the ENTIRE Republican world, every single handwringing detractor we’ve heard from in the last week, will announce he’s turned the corner and he’s ready to approach the race like a leader should. Mark it.
If he were to actually do what you suggest I think the Academy would give him an Award.
He’s in my state? Get that baby out of here!
“Well this hootnanny should be awesome.”
I would not be surprised . It really wouldn’t take much. My wife always heard me talking about the Faux bubble , but never really watched Faux. I turned it on last night for her and had to pick her jaw off the floor.
It is a world where Donald is still an acceptable candidate We heard about the Clinton’s "Russia connection donchaknow with a side order of evil and untrustworthy. Then was some Rep from California defending Donald’s sanity because Hillary Liar Untrustworthy Benghazi and then here comes Ivanka on Gretta the Gimp show telling us what a swell compassionate fellow he is while Greta lobs softballs .
Faux derangement syndrome. It really is scary
VP candidates can be replaced.
Though if he did replace him,those Trump disavowings would be swift.