Discussion: WATCH LIVE: DNI Coats Testifies After Reports He Rebuffed Trump On FBI Probe

Way too early for popcorn, but what the heck…


This is like a tech or dress rehearsal fro impeachment hearings. Getting it all on record. Dems need to build on this every day, hang the stain Orange Foolius around every GOP neck, driving down their poll numbers and tightening every House race until they say Uncle.
It’s going to be an amazing summer.


So far, it’s only the ® morons in Congress are sticking their necks out for Trump.

Saw this on the Tweeter : From now on when I see an ® next to a politician’s name, I’m just going to assume it means Russia.


Grampy Cryptkeeper McCain still can’t get over the fact that he lost badly to President Obama.

I keep expecting him to whip out electoral college maps.


is it just me, or does Coats look super uncomfortable?

… maybe only when the questions are about Trump. What a surprise!



Watching the Brennan testimony. Anything juicy bits in the Coats hearing ?

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No. How about Brennan?
Laura Rozen has good play by play from Coats’ hearing.

Deranged leadership? Is Inhofe talking about Kim Jong Un or Donnie?

It’s like fucking Xmas over at Faux News right now. They’re so happy for the concert bombing distraction you could almost bottle their excitement.

I say nuclear.
You say nucuelar.
You say it’s normal.
I say peculiar.

Nuclear, nucuelar.
It’s normal, peculiar.

Let’s call the press corps off.


Gowdey keeps trying to get Brennan to say that he’s seen no evidence of collusion, which he won’t, and get him to reveal classified info in the public brief.

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Uh, since we’re talking about Trump here, that movie title should be “James and the Giant Peace.”

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