I don’t know how she does it. She got stamina alright. She’s supposed to be in Michigan at my alma mater to give a speech at around 3-ish PM today as well. Doors open at 2 PM at Grand Valley on their Allendale campus. I got my B.S. from there, in more ways than one. Hah. Hard to believe she’ll be there in three frickin’ hours from now! I can’t go though. Had an appointment to bring my car into the shop today. Bummer.
I guarantee you, it won’t be long before I give up the “frickin’” usage for some far more accurate language by the end of the day. Just warning to all…not that anyone gives a shit. I’m so wound tight today over this election…but I really don’t think Michigan will in any way go for Trump, though it may be closer than I had originally thought. It is just so easy for the media to work people up over places like Michigan and PA because it only has election-day voting and no early voting to get a rough idea of how it will ultimately go…But early absentee ballots have been good for the Dems so far from what I hear. So, cross your fingers, knock on wood, pray, or do whatever you do…because if Hillary doesn’t win, America will become a banana republic led by YamMan, our authoritarian overlord, in no time flat. The thought of that, makes me sick to my stomach.