Early voting begins today Iowan Democrats! I so envy you. I wish Michigan had early voting. We’re one of only 7 states that don’t. On top of that, we have no in-person absentee voting either. Everything in our state depends on the fucking weather, and this is no different it seems, as it includes election day as well. It really shouldn’t be that way.
thank you, squirreltown! the audio sucks on the vid here - yet again.
They’re not covering it on C-Span TV and the cable news channels aren’t either as they’re giving Cuomo and Christie the opportunity to preen in front of the cameras during this train tragedy.
She’s wonderful. So damn articulate and respectful and friendly and nice. Such a contrast from her opponent.
Yep, thanks from me too @squirreltown, because lately I can’t even get the player to work at all.
Effective stuff she’s doing and maybe her rallies will get more play in the near future as it becomes apparent this woman’s going to be the damn President.
She knows that old adage: The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world…or in our case, able to govern the country.
And that line she used years ago is still true today: Its take a village to raise a child. Community matters.
None of this man cave bullshit and self-centered crap. Btw, was trying to think of the female equivalent of the ill-defined “man cave” and didn’t come up with a whole lot because for each woman its probably something different.
I keep switching between CSPAN and here. (But I also just peeked at 538’s polls and they are much, much improved from earlier in the week, not surprisingly.)
My two words to describe her today are: (1) humble; and (2) gracious.
Oh ho—technical education in high school. Good riposte to the “I will bring the jobs back” crap. This is a smart campaign. Of course I’m rapidly descending into rank fanboyism but it still feels good.
Blue Florida, baby. Without Florida he’s done.
Yeah, baby!! Hasta la vista!!
One thing I will say, and this probably goes for a lot of red districts around the country, my local news is pushing a lot more positive bullshit about Republican candidates onto their coverage suddenly and in earnest, while skipping over a lot of Dunderhead Donnie’s constant inanities on a daily basis now. The Democratic Party better get it together and have better PR game in local markets is all I can say, or the Senate is not going to move our way. DeVos here has a lock on most of the push of the Pukes here, as do the Kochs and their loosely affiliated secret astroturf groups.
I love the new paid-no-taxes thing. LBJ would be proud.
This is what a life-long public servant looks like. Trump hasn’t been elected to anything ever. Not even fucking dog-catcher.
Yep, bank those votes people!
He’s not qualified for dog catcher. Maybe dog poop scooper but that’s about it.
I’m over at 538 like a nervous tick, refreshing several times a day. It’s now-cast is at 70/30 with not only FL but also NV and NC as very pale blue.
Missed most of the rally because I was talking to a neighbor who is up the street with a very visible corner and I gave her my extra Clinton/Caine lawn sign. I’m disappointed that the local Hillary office doesn’t keep these in stock but I ordered lots of extras weeks ago so I’ve “papered” the neighborhood.