Discussion: WATCH LIVE: Clinton Announces Kaine As VP In Miami At 12 PM ET

BeattyCat says: “I’m. With. Her!”


Mahniah says: “I’m with BeattyCat!”



Listening to Ben Jealous on MSNBC – he blathered on about Hillary needing to “shore up the base,” and that Kaine doesn’t do it for progressives or minorities. Dear Ben – perhaps you might want read about Kaine’s background before dismissing him out of hand. Also, Donnie is tweeting about how this pick disappoints Bernie supporters. Please tell me that no sane Sanders supporter will fall for that.


NBC’s feeds always suck.

If people are not inspired to vote for Hillary after the shitstorm that was the gop convention, then nothing else will


Never forget that MSNBC is a production of Roger Ailes. IIRC, MS stood for Microsoft, which had a political interest in deregulation and lax enforcement as it hoovered up competitors. “Hardball”/Mathews was created by Ailes. It was to be a safely neo-liberal outlet, maybe even DLCish, but became unwatchable in the late '90s when its talking heads turned into relentless anti-Clinton concern trolls. MS expanded “Morning Joe” by an hour despite (because?) it relentlessly promoted Trump, allowing him to phone in whenever he chose. Watching RNC coverage this week, MSNBC was indistinquishable from CNN and much worse than CBS, which called out Trump lies while MSNBC covered the spectacle and the horserace. Hasn’t pretty much every progressive been purged or muted?

The more I hear about Kaine the better he sounds. She knows what she’s doing.


He really is a good guy. I’m a Virginian – and I’m happy to have voted for him. I’m happy she has chosen such a solid Democrat (and, no, I’m not saying ‘corporate’ Democrat), a pretty progressive guy. I am a very Pro-Choice guy and will not support anti-choicers. Sen. Kaine is personally pro-life but does not believe legislating his personal choice onto others. His record proves that. He has a 100% Approval Rating by Planned Parenthood. He has an F- from the NRA.


“The therapist, after a deeply upsetting investigation of normality at this time and place, was bound to conclude that a normal person, functioning well on the upper levels of a prosperous, industrialized society, can hardly hear his conscience at all.” – Kurt Vonnegut

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Oh, I’ll give her that. She knows exactly what she’s doing. Meanwhile her buddy Lloyd Blankfien is rubbing his greedy hands together like a fly on the rotting corpse of the middle class.

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Yes: " … our commitment to our NATO allies." Right on, Tim!!


“Hillary Clinton doesn’t insult people – she listens to them. She has their back.” (Sen. Tim Kaine)


OMG – the more I hear, the more I’m convinced that Hillary got this spot on. When he spoke Spanish, the crowd went nuts. And he’s smacking Trump around – I cannot wait for him to fully get going. This is proving just how smart Madame President really is.


“If you want to be right, you can be a pessimist. If you want to do right, you can help others.” (Sen. Tim Kaine’s mother). Excellent advice.


Kaine discussing when Virginia integrated schools (1970). I was just a little kid, but I remember that. I started school in 1971. Damn, I am so glad to have had the experience of going to school with all kinds of people. Granted, in my county, there weren’t that many racial minorities, but we did have quite a few African-American families, a few Hispanics and at least a couple Asian families. Seriously, this helped shape my worldview. I am so glad our past Republican Governor Lynwood Holton forced the state to finally integrate the public schools so many years after the SCOTUS ruled segregation unconstitutional.


Agreed. Actually, the more I hear him talk, the more I think he may be the perfect “anti-Trump” messenger. His work as a fair housing lawyer - suing landlords who discriminated - showcases that Trump made his money doing exactly that, i.e. screwing minorities and the disabled in housing.


LOL!! Yes, where are Donald Trump’s tax returns?? Thank you, Senator Kaine!!


I’m convinced people said Kaine was a boring pick just because of his gender and skin color. He is a very good speaker. How in the world is this guy boring?