Discussion for article #244200
$1 million? That’s a lot of Jello Pudding.
This whole sordid saga is surreal. I’m glad to see an alleged victim starting to see some real action taken on her claim. That said, being such a fan of Fat Albert, watching Cosby’s tv specials with my father (he loved Cosby’s comedy acts) and his Huxtable character, etc., it’s just another in a long string of reminders that we are all human and we all have our own private lives … some much more sordid than others.
Oddly, I would bet he could have seduced just as many young women into consensual
sex, based only on his charm and humor, if he had simply ASKED, rather than using drugs.
Camille brought the checkbook, right?
America’s dad: serial rapist.
I am sure he could have too. This illustrates that rape is not really about the sex, it is about hurt, dominance, control, humiliation and other f’ed up things only a rapist can understand.
Oddly, I would bet he could have seduced just as many young women into consensual
sex, based only on his charm and humor, if he had simply ASKED, rather than using drugs.
He probably did. Who is to say those 50 women are the only women he ever approached?
According to the Constand documents he made advances without drugs several times previously. That probably worked on some women whom we’ve not heard from, but not on Constand or others that we have heard from.
If you look at the numbers, 50 women over 40+ years… that’s not very many women for a serial philanderer and if the accusers were the only women he ever approached that would imply a 100% failure rate for “charm and humor” which is unlikely.
I’m going to guess there are at least as many or more who went into it consensually. If those had been enough for him he wouldn’t be in trouble today.