Yep. I believe that’s exactly what’s going on. If you’re not disgusted by the time the news media is done beating this dead horse, than maybe you’ll decide voting isn’t exactly your cup of tea either when the time comes to head to the ballot box. Either way, its intentional.
And just to underline a point that even her supporters seem to be missing, if it’s true that “Clinton ordered her State Department employees to use their government emails in 2011” even though she “did not do so herself,” then far from being the damning fact Wallace obviously thinks it is, that means all of Clinton’s subordinates’ emails would be in the government archives, including all emails to and from Clinton. In fact, that seems the most likely explanation for Clinton’s order. Be nice to have her confirm that, but regardless, I’m having trouble seeing what makes that order so incriminating, though I guess it builds on the Bitch-Queen Hillary image, maybe.
But geez, somebody other than an opportunistic slime-bucket like Lanny Davis needs to be out front on this stuff. And to start hitting our esteemed Fourth Estate on their long record of jumping on juicy tidbits the right has fed them about the Clintons that have turned out to be bullshit – and frequently truer about the ones doing the feeding than about the Clintons.
Excellent analysis. Spot on! I just wish Hillary and Bill wouldn’t make so easy for the GOP to grind and grind and grind…
Let me offer a contrarian view (and also state upfront that I’m a registered Dem.). This was an unforced error by HRC, not something that was made up by oppo research. Whatever the explanation may be for using a private account, it smells funny, just as it did when we learned that Rove et al. used RNC and other email addresses to conduct official business when they were federal employees. And the whole visiting 100+ countries excuse does not cut it. Is Davis suggesting that HRC’s official .gov email was not secure? (And if that’s true, then WTF?) Regardless, there probably were staffers who made all those trips with HRC; why was it ok for them to use .gov email accounts when they ostensibly would be discussing sensitive issues?
Point being: the whole thing stinks. At the very least, HRC has ceded the high ground on using private email accounts to conduct official business. As far as I am aware, that was something that Dems previously had not done while in the White House. At worst, HRC has left herself vulnerable to cynicism about her true beliefs and MO.
The Republicans want this so bad that they can’t stand it.
Notice, no more Ben Ghazi.
This is just as big of a loser for the Repubs but they haven’t rebeaten the dead horse nearly enough yet.
Once Hillary becomes President, her first official act should be to cut off all make believe news stations and start some serious rumors about why. Something like, Oreilly sent me a falafel in a box with a note that read, Lets do it live Baby!
This is why I have been saying that a Clinton-Bush match-up does not bode well for our side. It will turn off so many voters, and if people don’t vote, republicans win.
Though I am far from convinced that Bush will be able to win the nomination.
Probably because email was more or less still in its infancy form during the last Democratic administration, and non existent in the one before that.
This is totally oppo research. Nor do I suspect it was the big secret that everyone pretends it is now. 55,000 pages of emails, and NOBODY noticed that header on any of them wasn’t .gov?? Come on…
No, this is the first salvo aimed at the Clinton Foundation, which is where the GOP is going to be dumpster diving for much of the next year and a half. I have already seen the nonsensical argument that she was using the same private server that Bill does, which means that China and Russia and Iran all have access to everything!!one!! That part is nonsense, but its foreshadowing for whats to come.
I agree…but I think on a national level Bush Fatigue > Clinton Fatigue.
THAT is the big problem right now. Her silence on the issue only opens the door for the hypothetical game. The universe abhors voids, and they will be filled, even if by pseudo reporters and half assed surrogates making up stuff…which is more or less exactly what this “debate” was.
None of it will be favorable to her.
Bush fatigue + Clinton fatigue = GOP victory.
I agree; I suspect there’s far, far less to this than even “objective” reporters are making of it, but the sooner she simply explains why things were set up as they were, the better. But this crap isn’t going to stop regardless, as we all know and as @NCSteve put it here so well today, so she, her team, and all Dems had better get their armor on and learn how to slap it all down. No effing defensive crouches.
But on your reply to @Jackson_Frisell, I don’t necessarily agree. The media certainly seems to be jonesing for a restoration of a “moderate” [sic] Republican and are casting Jeb in that role; but between all the policy and political and private-sector ammo available on him and the fact that she has a genuinely enthusiastic base of her own (which he clearly does not), together with the bonus of the right’s – and the media’s – tendency to go so far in their Clinton-bashing that they trigger a backlash of support for them, I’d still bet on her. Nothing’s a sure thing, lord knows, and Dems would have to work for it; but I’d take her baggage over his.
Frankly, I hope they’re successful. The last thing we need in the upcoming election is another rightwing Democrat. Presidential politics is going our way now, and we’re still pretending it’s the dark days of the Reagan universe. Time to grow a spine and nominate a candidate that isn’t Republican lite. If she wins the nomination, yeah, I’ll vote for her; social issues make that a requirement, but I won’t be happy about it.
Yes, Lanny Davis is a fool, but that’s why Wallace had him on. It’s unlikely that Wallace called up Clinton’s peeps and said, “who should we interview about this issue?” Wallace thinks he’s Nancy Grace. How many times did he say “Monica Lewinsky,” while questioning Davis about Hillary Clinton’s e-mails? “Do you ever get tired of cleaning up after the Clintions?” And no, we won’t talk about Jeb because that’s in the past, but we’ll talk about Hillary Clinton’s husband’s affair more than 20 years ago. Chris Wallace is nothing but a partisan hack.
What kind of cost are we looking at for State to go through 55,000 emails?
What would it cost if had Hillary used the State Department email?
The law explicitly states that she can use her own email. The law mandates the submission of email on private servers for archiving purposes. The issue arose because an email was sent out to multiple federal agencies reminding them to submit their emails for preservation. This seems to be a systemic problem with many government agencies.
If we are going to have to suffer through this endless barrage, then it would be nice to have a real democrat to get behind. Hillary is not.
Chris Wallace kept repeating this mantra about “If Clinton did nothing wrong…”. If he would shut up and let his guest speak he would be able to listen to the fact that she did nothing wrong. If Wallace knows what she did wrong, he is keeping it from us.
As Henry Kissinger said about the Iran-Iraq War, “Is zere any vey zey can both lose?”
I refuse to blame the victims. Democrats have gotten over the belief that collapsing into a fetal position when the abuse comes or trying to become toadies to the abusers will spare them the abuse, but they still have this persistent, seemingly ineradicable, belief that it’s the victims’s fault. A belief that it is possible for a Democrat to live such a perfect, gaffe-free, blunder free existence, every move so perfectly calculated, every part of one’s personal life so genuinely blameless and exemplary, that the Republicans won’t be able to smear them.
And we still believed that despite watching what they’ve done to Obama, who, except for his stubborn persistence in being black, comes as close to that ideal as is humanly possible.
The Clintons are not perfect. Far from it. And in many ways–including, I suspect this email thing–the scars they carry from the Clinton Wars make them worse when it comes to setting themselves up for abuse. But if they were saints with perfect PR, they’d still get it, just as much, just as bad.
Getting us to blame them is part of the Republican strategy. When we blame the victims, the Republican Noise Machine gets what its operators want. Whether the targets deserve our blame is irrelevant to who wins and who loses when we blame.
“So?!”…“Go f___ yourself!” ~ (the) Dick Cheney