Discussion: Watch: Josh Marshall's Highlights From Marathon Blasey Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing

Similar take on Kavanaugh as Josh by Arron Blake


Temperament seems an extremely important quality to have in both a supreme court justice and a senator. Brett Kavanaugh showed no such quality, nor did the GOP.


Graham, going on about how you wouldn’t be able to get a search warrant. News flash: this isn’t a criminal trial. This is a hearing for a privileged position of power that only 7 people at a time hold. No one is entitled to it. There is no due process or reasonable doubt, and not getting the position won’t “ruin” Kavanaugh’s life as a conviction would.

In a way, it’s a job interview, and the candidate can be rejected for any reason - even if it’s just that they don’t feel right for the job.

Graham has been lying, both directly and indirectly, all day - this is just one example of it.


It’s absolutely a job interview—and he demonstrated appalling unfitness of temperament and fair-mindedness to wear the judicial robes—let alone sit on the highest court of the land. Pretty clear why Dotard chose him.


Y’all may go on about his temperament but when I finally saw the video highlights of this low life all I kept asking myself “Is this guy drunk?” The belligerence, the bellicose raging where fighting wasn’t needed, the confusion in trying to answer questions, to me all signs of the drunk loud mouth at the end of every bar. And I’ll Sen. Graham in there too.

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Actually nine people at a time sit on the Supremes. The rest is spot on.

Whenever Josh embeds videos in his tweets, I can’t view the vids. Using iPad.

I heard the exchange about Renate on my way home from work and had to turn it off after that. I don’t know about the rest of Kavanaugh’s testimony, but the questioning from the Democrats felt entirely toothless and weak. As soon as he wasn’t pressed properly on his clearly BS answer, it felt like defeat.

The Republicans did what they needed to do - not allow any other testimony or investigation and make it into a he-said-she-said, and then match Blasey Ford’s emotion level. They don’t need to convince everyone, or anyone. They just need enough cover to force through a confirmation. I don’t feel good about this at all.

Of cousre - my bad.

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