Discussion: WATCH: Johnny Depp Starring As Donald Trump In 'Art Of The Deal' Parody

Discussion for article #245831

I can just see those short little sausage fingers of Trump’s already flying in a retaliatory Twitter attack aimed at Depp.
@johnnydepp no pirate move? credible source. insiders tell me depp career over. lone ranger 2? you’ll pay. no class loser.



Thought they could’ve taken it a lot farther.


“Ron Howard - what a loser.” --Trump

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Somebody’s gonna get sued!!!

Good production, but not that funny.



The revolution is coming – but it will be fascist, not a democratic socialist one if we do not wise up and fast. We are staring straight into the face of the real enemy and not taking it seriously enough. If the GOP establishment cannot stand up to this demagogue, then our democratic nominee must do so for the entire country.

They did. That was the teaser. They made a 50 minute movie of it. Follow the link to FOD, and you can find it.

Johnny should receive an award for THAT ONE, he truly captured the TRUE essence of Donald. LOL
YouTube is so great.

Here’s he DEAL, it doesn’t matter WHAT people say about Donald, the only thing he cares about is that YOU’RE talking about him.

Forget about Rubio and Kasich and the rest of his Republican rivals. You can even forget about Hillary or Bernie.
Johnny Depp just destroyed the presidential ambitions of Donald Trump.

Apparently, you do not remember the utter cheesiness of the '80s. This was the decade when a movie like “Flashdance” could be considered art on the scale of Shakespeare or Tolstoy. This was a perfect parody of that decade, and Trump is the embodiment of the era: a suit emptier than any you can find hanging on the rack at Men’s Warehouse.
I mean, this fucking movie is YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!

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That was Johnny Depp? That could have been anyone.

More, Hollywood, put that money to use…

Is the 50 minute full “movie” worth watching?