Discussion: WATCH Fox Host Lose It Over Senate Torture Report: 'We Are Awesome!'

Discussion for article #230986

‘Awesome’ – a descriptive being indicative of her level of maturity…

She epitomizes the DUMB and proud to be so AMerican…


At Fox, it is Never a good time to:
Release a Torture Report
Discuss gun legislation
Raise Taxes
Raise Minimum Wage


Fact: The best way to show you’re awesome is to BE awesome. And if you have to lie to people in order for them to falsely believe you’re awesome…you’re not awesome. You’re the opposite. Because you not only did something wrong, but now you’re lying about it; making it extra-unawesome.

Moral: If you don’t want people to get mad at you for torturing, don’t torture. It’s that simple.


While she has always been a “preachy” loose cannon, this statement reaches a new level of absurdity. No one could honestly call the behavior described in this report “awesome.”


Talking parrot parrots the talk with canned GMO laced FauxTrage

So what’s new? Where’s the story?


The Bush administration did what the American public wanted they wanted, and that was do whatever it takes to keep us safe to torture people. These terror tactics have been stopped because as a country we the Obama administration decided we are better than this," she [should have] said…


OK - this chick is WAY over the top bordering on some kind of breakdown. Her behavior indicates that this report really must have gotten to her. Normally, I would expect the general dismissing of the anti-American POTUS, etc, etc.

But THIS??!! This forced delusion is some other kind of sickness. While we’ve known about the Bush torture program for years, this report must have been the bridge too far that caused her to snap.


I’m thinking “Where have I heard this before?”

And then it hit me.


So wait…it’s Obama that’s shaming our country, convincing the world we’re horrible, and putting us on a moral equivalence with other bad countries? Uhm…no, Andrea. That’d be Bush, Cheney, and you people at Fox News who shamed our country, convinced the world we’re horrible, and put us on a moral equivalence with bad guys. And Obama helped fix that, by ending the programs and shining a light on what happened.

Geez, it’s like blaming crime on the people who report it, rather than on the criminals. But I guess that’s exactly what a criminal would say.


Someone should alert dictionary publishers to file this under “jingoistic.”

The Founders, on the other hand, would be appalled:

But Congress may introduce the practice of the civil law, in preference to that of the common law. They may introduce the practice of France, Spain, and Germany–of torturing, to extort a confession of the crime. They will say that they might as well draw examples from those countries as from Great Britain, and they will tell you that there is such a necessity of strengthening the arm of government, that they must have a criminal equity, and extort confession by torture, in order to punish with still more relentless severity. We are then lost and undone.


Oh, NoooOOOoo!! We’re not awesome?? Tell me it ain’t so!!


“The Bush administration did what the American public wanted, and that was do whatever it takes to keep us safe. These terror tactics have been stopped because as a country we decided we are better than this,” So, what the American people wanted, or said they wanted, or thought they wanted was not as good as the country.



“The Bush administration did what the American public wanted, and that was do whatever it takes to keep us safe.”

That’s definitely not what I wanted Andrea. Seriously these people are like children who just refuse to believe that their hero isn’t perfect. How hard can it be to accept that everything the U.S. does isn’t always above reproach, and just?




Wonder what’s in her AWESOME S’n’M closet…?


What a phony. Andrea used to work for Bill Weld. BILL WELD!! A republican who, if he were in the Senate, would be just to the left of all the Dems except Bernie.

Fox is like Professional Wrestling. Everyone is has to carve out a niche and play it to the hilt. Right, Mistress Andrea?

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“Nobody wants to hear about this, we’ve closed the book on it years ago…Next up on Fox, our ten zillionth report on Benghazi…”


Bad Boy!! Go to my room!


What a stupid fucking COW! And she’s not even a blonde. Once again fox has scraped the bottom
of the intellectual/moral barrel. I refuse to watch this travesty.

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And the 20th zillon vote to repeal Obamacare!

Which we don’t need cause we’re awesome. AWESOME!