Discussion: WATCH: Footage Of Alleged Robbery Minutes Before Police Shooting

Discussion for article #226481

Not that it really matters, but is it really him? If not, it would be nice if the actual guy came forward and admitted it. It would really stop the current character assassination.

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Well, unless he changed his clothes and his weight…


Well, he’s black so it must have been him. Even if it wasn’t, who cares? As long as a black person; any black person gets greased any time a crime is committed, it’s all good. Ferguson justice is blind after all.


Poor reporting… He wasn’t identified as a “primary suspect” until days later.


Does look like him, same clothes too. And his buddy apparently had already told the DOJ about the incident.

What’s outrageous is that the Ferguson Police want us to believe that anything on that tape has jack shit to do with one of their officers gunning down people in the street, suspects to petty crime or no.


Is there any video of what he was wearing at the time he was shot?

His body was left uncovered in the street for hours - as part of the crime scene. So lots of pictures out there, not too hard to find.

If he was identified as a “primary suspect” that would be in some logs somewhere, right? Recordings, maybe of radio calls from dispatchers to patrol units?

And by “identified as a primary suspect” I do NOT mean “be on the lookout for a black male”.

It was him. His friend, Dorian Johnson, has stated through his lawyer that Michael Brown took the cigarillos. I don’t think there’s much question whether or not it’s Brown. More importantly, it shouldn’t matter. The chief of police has stated that the incident began with the officer telling Brown and his friend to walk on the sidewalk. It doesn’t sound as though the officer who confronted Brown was aware of the shoplifting accusation. From what little they’ve said, it sounds like they’re trying to conflate two separate incidents that have nothing to do with one another. Brown stealing the cigars appears to have had absolutely nothing to do with his confrontation with police or his murder. If that is the case, this is a blatant attempt to “niggerize” Brown, to make him look like an unruly thug who was out of control and needed to be put down.


That’s right.

Read carefully and think carefully here. The police reports (at least the ones we have seen here) don’t say that the officer who shot Brown was responding to the 911 call or even aware of it. The events at the convenience store aren’t directly relevant to the shooting.

So why is the Ferguson PD releasing this now?

I think the first reason is to draw some attention away from the release of the officer’s name. If there are two big developments in the story to cover, the identity of the officer gets less attention.

Second, I think this is an attempt to lend credence to the police department’s version of events just before the shooting. If the man in this video shoved the cashier, then the officer’s assertion that Brown shoved him back into his car might become more believable.

This is just the beginning, folks. We’re about to see a rerun of the right wing media’s attacks on Trayvon Martin. From here on out, they’re going to press a line of attack that says Brown was the one spoiling for a fight.


Plucky, I was still typing when you posted. I think you’re reading events correctly.

Exactly. One has nothing to do with the other

Exactly correct and this Officer, I would be willing to bet had no inkling about the theft when he executed this kid

Oh yes and Michael Brown will be the villain in Fox world


Assuming for the moment that the footage is genuine and the police had been alerted in a timely fashion… this still leaves many, many questions about the subsequent shooting.

For example, if the suspect was known only by his description, how could the victim be classified as the “primary suspect” before any investigation had even commenced? The police timeline states that the shooting officer was simply patrolling looking for potential suspects based on the description.

If the officer suspected Brown of being the suspect, why did he not stop his car, get out and confront/question him? Surely proper police procedure would not have advocated calling him over to the car window to question him?

Why did the officer not call for back up before confronting the two young men, rather than approaching them alone.

I know of no officer who would not want to confront a potentially violent suspect from a standing position (likely with his hand near or on the butt of his gun) from which he could react quickly to whatever occurred. Certainly, if Brown was the “primary suspect” in a violent crime which had occurred just moments before and holding potential evidence, an officer would not be casual about his approach.

If Brown was a suspect in a violent crime, why didn’t the police department just say that at the time of the shooting? Why the delay?

There are numerous other questions here… why wasn’t the designation of Brown as the “primary suspect” signed and dated? When was it written? etc…

No matter how much benefit of the doubt you give the officer, he cannot justify his actions here

But you can damn well believe that the department will…

Protect and Serve… who?


He probably whistled at a White woman too.

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“occurred minutes before”

As anyone who’s ever called the police will tell you. Minutes is all it takes to get through to the police, have them send out an officer, take a statement, review the security footage, and put out an APB for a ‘primary suspect’ in a theft.

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Where’s the call-in from the police officer that shot Brown to his police switchboard from his current location that he had the supposed “suspect” in his sights? Is there a record of that? Aren’t police supposed to check in to report a “crime in progress” or “a pursuit in progress”? This is bullshit. Minutes before??? I still don’t see a direct connection or any justification of that one incident with the murder of this child.

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Especially at 352x240 resolution!