Discussion for article #231559
I don’t think I’ll stress out, surprise, or alarm a copper unnecessarily this winter.
As a black man, I’m really trying to stay current on the list of things that black people are not allowed to do. So far, as I understand it, we are not allowed to protest violently; we are not allowed to protest peacefully; we are not allowed to wear t-shirts that have protest related statements on them; we are not allowed to raise our hands in a gesture of protest, and, now, we are not allowed to dance in public. The list is getting very long.
It was totally justified. The man was dancing in a threatening manner. He deserved anything that happened to him.
That’s some fine community outreach by the NYPD.
So what is the appropriate way to stop a bad guy with a groove?
according to the NRA and their legions of gunhumping fanatics, you’re allowed to use firearms to violently resist government tyranny. Oh wait, you’re black. Never mind, that does not apply to you.
I’m coming to the conclusion that these thug NY cops need to have their asses kicked.
“What are you dancing in the street for?” None of your fucking business, you fascist bastard. This is America, not 1939 Germany, that’s why. Why are cops raping men anally with plungers, choking them to death, and shooting unarmed citizens, you piece of shit?
Fuck you, NYPD – if the good cops there can’t rein these sonsofbitches in, you all deserve scorn, because you’re either the authoritarian asshole bully cow fucker doing the beatdowns and shootings or you tacitly condone them. And Pat Lynch can jump right up and kiss my pimpled white ass.
Thugs. Cops are nothing more than a gang we pay to enforce the laws they choose to enforce.
By law, we’re allowed to treat them just like anyone else, including insulting them and flipping the bird. But in practice, you keep your head down the same as if dealing with a biker gang and hope they don’t notice you. I’m a middle-class white dude, and even I don’t screw with cops. They can do pretty much whatever they want, and they know it. Even video usually isn’t enough to get them punished for things that would send us to prison.
And what’s ironic is that if these cops saw anyone else behaving as they did, they’d arrest them for it. But because they’re cops, they’re just doing their job and they’ll be damned if they take crap from anyone who says otherwise. Just like any other violent gang. It’s all about protecting the gang members against the world.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s why we have police in the first place, because people can’t be trusted to do the right thing and need someone to police them. But who polices the police? Nobody. And they’ll punish anyone who even tries.
This has to be the biggest outrage of the day, and proof that New York’ s mayor was right when he talked to his black son about the cops.
I wish Republicans were as eager to get rid of bad cops as they are to get rid of bad teachers. Even the worst teachers are unlikely to beat you up, throw you in jail, or kill you.
And thanks to KSTP-TV in Minneapolis, black people are not allowed to point, because it makes them a gang member. #Pointergate.
Also, black people are not allowed to wear a hoodie. Thanks, Florida and Geraldo Rivera!
In Chicago, they don’t get their names in the police blotter either. This was from early december and this officer has yet to be identified, publically:
According to media reports, the Merrionette Park officer allegedly stopped the 52-year-old Chicago police officer for suspicion of drunk driving. The Chicago police officer reportedly fled the scene in his vehicle, and on the 1900 block of West Pryor Avenue, just north of the 22nd District Police headquarters, he fired shots at the Merrionette Park officer around 4:30 p.m. Chicago police then arrested the man and took him into custody.
A spokesman from the Chicago Police Department Office of News Affairs said the officer has been charged with a misdemeanor DUI. The office also confirmed there are allegations that the officer discharged his weapon.
Guess what? Pat Lynch’s puppet, Staten Island District Attorney Dan Donovan, says that he’s “seriously considering” running to fill Micheal Grimm’s Congressional seat. And I’m sure that Lynch’s police union will endorse him (again) and perform “get-out-the-vote” duties for him (again), in exchange for Donovan’s rigging the Eric Garner grand jury.
Sickening. Do Staten Island voters realize they’re not required to replace one corrupt Congressman with another one?
Police forces everywhere believe that if you comply with their orders everything will be fine and mellow. You have to wonder how new African American cops feel about their racist brethren.
None of those things applied to these cop/assholes.
Suit yourself. I don’t think I’ll go dancing up behind a big-city copper until, oh, May.
Anyone who is surprised by this has forgotten how the NYC police treated peaceful citizens during Occupy. They haven’t changed, but they’ve pushed a lot of people close to the limit. I’m not sure we’ve ever seen a citizen revolt against the police in this country, but we’re getting there, aren’t we? In a place like New York, I can think of plenty of things people could start doing that would create a really bad situation in a really big hurry. It’s on the police now to dial this back, but they seem to be pushing it harder. It’s like police don’t even care about things like this showing up on YouTube - they’re defying the public to act. I think they’re going to be well surprised when people start acting.