Discussion: WATCH: C-SPAN Caller Asks Hastert 'Do You Remember Me From Yorkville?'

Hastert did go on to play ‘Misty’ for him…

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I am sure you are not a which.

I don’t know . . . I do weigh more than a duck.

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And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we’ve proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

Rudyard Kipling

I know that Hastert is a difficult person to have sympathy for on anything, but the blackmailer is far more evil than Hastert. He lost any claim to sympathy for whatever Hastert did to him by extorting millions from him. Hastert’s life must have been hell for all these years living in fear of exposure for him to have paid so much. And now Hastert is the one that gets criminally charged, not for whatever he did years ago, but for trying to appease his blackmailer, while the blackmailer will probably get to keep his illegally-gained cash.

I think to test if you are a which, we need to see if you weigh more than a duct.

Much deeper than that. Read up on him. He’s a slug.

Josh Marshall crawling in the gutter again.

Yeah. It’s a shame he has to keep reporting about Republicans.


Maybe the Republicans just ought to practice what they preach?

Makes you wonder about Boener does it not. The guys a flaming drunk, cigarette addicted a-hole. Something is eating at his insides methinks.
Republicans for near fifty years have only done roll playing, none of them are what they put on.


Denny Hastert, MarkFoley, NewtGingrich, DavidVitter, David Ensign, Larry Craig- all burnishing Bill Clinton’s legacy with each encounter…

as noted by Barney Frank…( I added a few names to his list.)


Or “Democracy!” as others see it!

Oh, give it a freaking REST, Freepy!

Today’s GOP is like the Catholic Church. If all the closet cases left them tomorrow, they’d collapse like a house of cards! There would be no one left to make the coffee and plug in the copier!

Balderdash. Not when the Republican’s political career is over it isn’t.

What does his wife and kids have to do with his misconduct that likely happened before he married her? In that case, he should’ve thought of that before he married her, and to the tune of illegal withdrawal of funds to the tune of 3 million dollars? Not an excuse.


Sure, it’s Josh Marshall’s fault, the emperor Hastert has no clothes.
How dare TPM report on the news, it’s not like they’re a news outlet. [eyeroll]

I think your sense of humour need some lubrication…

Hey I am Danish, I want my Dane-gæld.

(Which was the tax the Brits payed to their Danish overlords more than 1000 years agon. You can still find traces of Danish/Germanic in the English language today).

I think she should know if he is gay or bisexual. That’s a pretty big thing. Many men hide that from their wives and just use them to have a family and appear straight. His wife should know if she was “played” as such.

And yes, when a former Speaker of the House gets “busted” for a gay sex coverup, yet took anti-gay rights stances, that’s also a big deal. I don’t care if he is retired, it was only 8 years ago that he was in Congress, and that’s when Republicans controlled things and were pushing very anti-gay legislation and ideas. That total hypocrisy is indeed a huge deal.

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