Discussion for article #231113
Too bad he wasn’t tased and beaten up!
Well, I guess that stunt is prima facie evidence as to why De Blasio isn’t interested going on O’Reilly show.
I wonder how The Spin Factor will spin this.
TPM’s daily What FoxNews Said Clickbate Story.
That they just want to get to know deBlasio better but deBlassio won’t appear because he’s scared and has something to hide.
By the way, bravo to deBlasio for showing that agitator the door. More people should take that route. And more Dems should refuse to appear on BillO’s show.
WHy IS exTReme LIBtard afraID to enTER the No-sPIN zONE?
I don’t live in NY and was glad for the opportunity to see de Blasio at work, and to do this so well.
Kind of surprised, though, that a blase old hand like you would get snookered by this clickbait all the way to the comments section.
Hell he could have cursed him out, threatened him with bodily harm and guaranteed his next election win.
opps, wrong guy sorry lol
I’m just trying to imagine the level of self loathing required to allow yourself to be under the direction of a steaming pile of protoplasmic defecation like O’Reilly.
Well, I must say that the War on Christmas has taken an unexpected turn.
If Bill were an actual journalist he could come to the press conference and ask questions. The reason he will not do that is he is a coward. He will not face anyone where he doesn’t control the microphones. He only wants to spout his ignorance not have a conversation
Lacking press credentials is an understandable dilemma for a Fox News employee. Wouldn’t having them entail some measure of fraud in their procurement?
That’s harassment, not reportage. Throw him out. This guy is no different from “Stuttering John” Melendez, whose greatest achievement in life was to ask celebrities stupid-ass questions in public appearances at the behest of Howard Stern. Pitiful.
For a fresh load of sand in your gearbox, call FOX.
" . . . as you can imagine we quite disappointed, more so again, that no one would even get on the phone with us." – Andrew Conti, O’Reilly press attache
Maybe the Mayor prefers interviews with people who speak English.
I am disappointed that he wasn’t beaten on the spot and then outside shot while “trying to grab the officer’s gun”.
It wasn’t about the content of the story, it was that TPM posts 2-3 FOXNews click bate stories a day.
What are "bate stories?’
I keep wondering when the other, supposed “serious” reporters are going to start calling these Fox “news” trolls out in public. Guys like Watters and Ed Henry at the White House. They should be shamed by them for destroying the credibility of the real media. Just call them the dickheads that they are and ignore them.