Discussion for article #245218
Considering the WaPo’s usual anti-Hillary slant, this surprised me.
Shorter WaPo: Don’t challenge the status quo.
Coming from a paper that has been selling their own brand of fiction for years…
Bernie’s campaign has been complaining that the MSM doesn’t pay enough attention to him. Well, this is the kind of coverage that candidates should expect when the press starts scrutinizing their proposals.
Jon Chait actually makes the same point, only much more well-reasoned:
Me too,but I generally began ignoring WaPo years ago along with a buncha other “news” outlets.
But they do have a fun commentariat.
Even WaPo, like the proverbial broken clock, can be right twice a day.
Not watching much of classic GOP debate are you. It was always pretty similar of people invoking magic. The Single Payer thing is something of a pipe dream. It would never happen despite the fact that it probably would work. To many lobbyist, to involved in the economy and so on and so forth.
So, how do they explain the moderate Republicans who like him too?
Agree about '88
They realize the alternative could be President Trump.
Follow the money, to quote the Washington Post. Who wants to destroy Bernie?
Surprised me, too. Pretty strong stuff.
They realize it will be President Trump if Bernie is the nominee.
Correct shorter WaPo: Don’t screw up the country by letting a Republican back into the White House.
Many of his ideas are excellent. But I’m surprised he thinks he could actually accomplish them. We have a republican House and Senate who would never go along. Down ballot races give no indication that the Congress will be flipped.
I don’t think WAPO is off the mark.
This is what the corporatists at the Post want you to think: We can’t have free healthcare. We can’t have free college. We can’t have 90% marginal tax rates. I can’t make $30 bucks and hour as a Starbucks barista because people won’t pay $20 for a cup of coffee. This is what the Wall Street bankers, who have Hillary in their pockets, want you to believe!!!
-Bernie and Unicorns in 2016!!1!!!1!!11!1!!
Little confused here. The WaPo is saying, Bernie’s ideas can’t possibly be implemented because of Republican’s in Congress–a situation not likely to change any time soon (at least until the next census).
So, out of curiosity, if Hilary is elected; what–the Republicans will breath a sigh of relief and sign legislation supporting her agenda?
Not. Gonna. Happen.