Discussion: Washington Post Editorial Section To Ban 'Redskins'

Discussion for article #226767

Dan Snyder just announced that “the Washington Newspaper” would no longer have unfettered media access to the Redskins.


Since their copyright has been revoked, I’d have hoped by now the market would be flooded with knockoff merchandise, cutting into the profits of the owner. Nothing makes a rich guy squirm more than watching himself lose money.


However reasonable and persuasive Krauthammer’s comments may seem here, it’s still always a good idea to point out for the sake of balance that he’s a bleedin’ malevolent psychotic.


The TerM is AN hONORific THAt CeLEbrateS the BRAverY and DIgNITy of INDIans AND their SensiTIVITY to fiELDs of GarBage. THEY seeM UNgraTEful theY are BEIng HONored. In FAct MILLIONs of IndiaNs in A studY 10 YEars AGo EMbraCE the NAMe. It’s LIKE caLLINg a BANKer a CApitaLISt. ANyway Are THEY UPSET wheN We SIMILArly HONOr a cerTAIN potaTO??? POLItical COrrenctness run AmOK!1111!one!!!11111!!!


I have a dream: The Washington football team is playing a home game, and somewhere over the cheering & booing you hear one lone, hoarse voice from the owner’s box singing “Hail to the Redskins.” Then the crowd ALL starts booing and drowns the mean-spirited little fucker out.

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The team’s trademark is in effect until they exhaust their appeals. This has been visited before and overturned. If they lose on appeal, the team still retains common law rights to the name and could make a case if others try to profit from it.

Where it would become interesting would be if it starts to cut into merchandise profits, the lifeblood of the NFL. The NFL has a revenue-sharing system that could cause other team owners to put pressure on the team to change the name.


“You would not dream of calling anyone a ‘redskin’ to his or her face. You wouldn’t let your son or daughter use it about a person, even within the privacy of your home,” the editorial read.

If that’s true, why don’t they ban the name in the entire paper?


Then the Washington NFL fans wouldn’t buy the Post.

How does the Seattle paper handle their ban. What do they call the Washington NFL team on their sports pages?

First off, for the record, I am a liberal. However, this fucking politically correct shit needs to stop. No where in the constitution do you have right not to be offended. If you don’t like the name, don’t watch them play or bet on them. For Christ’s sake people, it’s a fucking football team. Next PETA will want us to drop animal names.

Let me be perfectly clear, if you don’t like the names, too fucking bad.

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If it were simply a matter of being politically correct you might have a point – although it would be a point that many disagree with.

In this case a group of Native Americans have petitioned the trademark office based on written guidelines of that very office and after due consideration the trademark office has decided to uphold their guidelines. At least pending appeal.

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“The Post’s editorial writers made it clear that the policy is “only for editorials” and the change won’t apply to reporters who cover sports and news.”

So there is really no point to this policy unless it applies to the whole paper and not just the part of the paper that never talks about the sport’s team name that shall not be mentioned that also is not Voldermort.


Hey, WP editors, rather than pat yourselves on the back, why not sit down in a locked conference room with the news and sports editors for some “friendly persuasion”?

For the record, I live in the DC area and have to hear the name of the team on air repeatedly all the time from July until February. The name is offensive and Dan Snyder is an ugly little prick. If we were not bombarded with the team’s nonstop media campaign we could ignore it. But we can’t. I don’t get it. Change the fucking name and move on. Where are DC football fans gonna go? Although, the Ravens are a much better team, so head north. The Washington team has sucked for so long it is laughable that they are fighting for their name. How about trying to build a winning team?

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I live in the DC area, and almost no ones buys the Post anymore. It is a sad shell of its former self.

Any local support for the team’s original name, Braves?

Sic transit paper journalism. Do you have any opinion on how it is faring online?

Wagon mound, why are you citing the Constitution? Nobody is making a claim that the team’s name is illegal or that it violates anyone’s Constitutional rights. No legal charges have been brought against the team or it’s owner. Yours is a strawman argument.

Or tell me where it says in the Constitution that anyone or any entity may not speak out against racial bigotry. Or tell me where in the Constitution that one may propagate institutional racism and be immune from criticism for doing so.

But mostly, instead of admonishioning others to ignore what they don’t like, why not talk to the individual in the mirror? If you don’t want to see people exercising their Constitutional rights by expressing their disgust at institutionalized racism, then don’t read about it.


Let me be perfectly clear. If you don’t like people standing up against bigotry, too fucking bad. Seems to me you’re the one who’s crowing about being offended.

Not sure, but there is growing support for anything else.