Discussion: Washington Post Columnist Declares Ferguson Is The 'Liberal Benghazi'

Discussion for article #234638

The fact remains that an unarmed man was shot and killed even after he was no longer a threat to the officer. Whether or not charges were brought against Wilson, the racism of the Ferguson police department is quite established…unlike the completely made up Benghazi “scandal”.


“The facts argue otherwise.”

Except they don’t. Investigation after investigation after investigation into Benghazi turned up NOTHING to support the GOP/Teatrolls’ accusations and conspiracy theories. Conversely, the DOJ investigation into the Ferguson police force, justice system and governmental institutions turned up a massive infestation of racist, bigoted, inequitable law enforcement and institutionalized, systematic abuse of the minority community. This asshole couldn’t be more incredibly wrong and his attempt to weave a false equivalence here should end his career as an act of deliberate and blatant dishonesty. Period. End of story. No mercy, no apologies. WaPo should be harangued for even allowing this guy to collect his shit before being escorted out the fucking door.


In fact, investigations into Benghazi showed that Ambassador Stevens disobeyed protocol, went to an unsecured location despite being told not to, and was reckless. But we’re not suppose to talk about that, after all.


Every article that discusses a Richard Cohen column should, in my humble opinion, end with the same sentence:

“Despite his position as a paid columnist for one of the nation’s premier newspapers, the only person in the U.S. who cares one bit about Richard Cohen’s opinion is his mother–and even she thinks he is just a little bit daft.”


This has to be the mother of all false equivalencies. Liberals knew more facts about Ferguson the day Mr. Brown was shot than what Conservatives know about Benghazi today.


"I know better. But I also believe that distorting the facts can impede progress."

There’s always a butt…

richard cohen is thrilled that you noticed… otherwise, no one cares what he thinks and it’s a mystery why he still has that column. hell, they were able to finally get rid of sally quinn…

Because it turned out that there was nothing else wrong and racist about Ferguson other than that shooting, and the town’s response to protests was a model for restrained police action in the face of mob violence, right?

Oops, I think I was channeling David Duke.


All these attempts to portray Wilson as a “victim” if not the “victim” of the whole mess ignore two important facts: Wilson is still alive and he never spent a single day in jail. If the scenario were reversed, and we were talking the questionable death of Officer Wilson at the hands of Michael Brown, how likely are the odds that Brown would have been allowed to skip town for the entirety of the investigation? Trick question, they wouldn’t have allowed him out of the confines of a cell, charging just enough bail to ensure he would never have seen the outside except between court appearances.


It’s amazing how many poor and unreadable columnists the WAPO has on its staff. How the mighty have fallen.


Richard Cohen. He’s been under that rock for a while now. Go back, I say!


Okay, I usually say about Cohen, “Doesn’t this guy have an editor to save him from himself?” But now I have to ask, “Doesn’t this guy have a doctor who can tell him he’s had a stroke?”


Cohen rails against “distorting the facts” and then proceeds to distort the facts so completely that they are unrecognizable to any sentient being—a class that probably doesn’t include Cohen himself.

And someone should alert Cohen to the definition of “False equivalence,” because he deals in just that in almost every column that comes out of his tripe-writer.


I love when a shamed Village conflates and obscures their own bloated self-indulgences with what they claim are those of the American public.


I guess it is tough for people like Cohen to connect the dots about police militarization and violence against American citizens.Beyond the recent prominent instances of violence in NY, Cleveland St. Louis, Ohio etc…look at some of the action, in Oakland for example against non violent protest in the occupy Wall Street movement.Ever wonder why relatively few cops are brought up on charges following violation of citizens rights and department policy? Explain to Mr. Cohen ,he is apparently missing the clues that have pushed some people to the breaking point.


Put him out to pasture and harvest the wool.

Richard Cohen is a name-dropping, cocktail-swilling idiot


The Washington Post is the liberal toilet paper and Cohen is one of the Chief asswipes.

Personally, I don’t even get this comparison, its just buzzword salad with extra cheese.

Eyewitnesses stated Brown was moving forward. Not only civilians but police can kill someone who moves forward to resume an attack.