Warren has the best policy proposals of any candidate. And it’s not even close.
Nothing personal, but who cares. We don’t control the Senate and the current president is a corrupt republican asshole.
We need to start having some reality based reporting on the state of things- this article has nearly no value in my view.
I don’t think Warren has a shot at the nomination. Sadly, because of that, the rest of the candidates aren’t falling over themselves to sign onto and agree with/take up her proposals. She has great plans and a lot of her policy should be adopted as the 2020 platform
She may surprise everyone. The most impressive one in the pack right now.
If we have a politically astute President who takes an interest in growing the Democratic party and delivering nice things to people, we could take back the Senate. But if they just hide in the White House trying to be bipartisan, forget about it.
Couldn’t agree more. If she were a man she’d be the front runner, which makes me sick and sad.
Let me be clear- I like Warren, a lot. But this article is filler and pablum given the many more pressing concerns on our collective plates.
And maybe you won’t control the Senate unless you help voters see the corruption endemic in the Republican Party.
You go, Ms Warren!
Between her & Mayor Pete, I’m finding a wealth of great choices for 2020.
Not that my preferred candidate ever makes it past Super Tuesday.
I wonder why she and others don’t frame this sort of tax as a tax on foreigners since a significant portion of corporate shareholders are overseas.
Great. Sounds like something someone in Congress should work on. Seriously, why are we choosing presidents based on what legislative ideas they come up with? I haven’t heard a single idea that wouldn’t be signed by any Democratic president if it could pass Congress.
We don’t need a president who comes up with the best legislation. We need a president who can be decisive, process large amounts of information, and act presidential. Meanwhile, the biggest mistake Obama made was to be the one pushing ACA, because it became the target for his enemies who still want to kill it just to spite him.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding your point here, but the article notes that Warren’s proposals are rooted precisely in “the state of things.” Hers is a recognizing of a problem–that our current taxation policy is starving the country of its revenue even to take care of basic stuff (like infrastructure and education and a farm policy that doesn’t force farmers to owe their souls to Monsanto and John Deere–those are my examples, but we all have our own . . .)–and a solution to that problem: to compel those who have most benefited from those former tax policies to pay more so as to benefit the workers they employ, their families, and, in the long run, their own bottom line as they find themselves with a better-educated, healthier workforce.
Seems pretty reality-based to me.
On the other hand, I’m not interested in supporting a candidate who campaigns on xenophobia.
a seven percent tax on profits over $100 million in addition to current taxes.
Oh, the vapors, the vapors! How will our economy survive?! Doesn’t she understand how many housekeepers, gardeners, cooks, and laborers will be put out of jobs without their corporate patrons mansions to caretake?
Without such proposals, how does anyone start a discussion or compare and contrast?
My point is, it seems you are ceding territory to the opponent. At a minimum, make them work hard for their position.
Profits are the wrong tax basis. All organizations should be taxed on their unadjusted gross revenue, whether they report a profit or not.
I like Warren’s policy proposals, but has anyone else been following Rep. Katie Porter, especially her questioning those that come before House Financial Services Committee?
Not only does Porter know how to ask a question but she also shows her work behind the question.
Here’s the video if you want to hear/see her in action.
I listened to her interview this morning on MSNBC and immediately donated $50 to her campaign.