Discussion: Warren: Steve Bannon's Appointment Shows Trump 'Embraces Bigotry'

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I guess someone has to say these things, but I also hope Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and other leaders on the left, and I assume (and am coming to hope—I’m not quite there yet) ascendent wing of the Democratic Party, are beginning to think, and organize, about how to capture the backlash against Trump that, like in 1982 against Reagan, will give them an unexpected edge in Congress. I have had it with the Citicorp wing of the party. I was with it because I thought it could do more good than harm, but now I know it cannot do anything, so I want to see the other side organize and prepare to take advantage of Trump’s fumbles if he leads us toward ruin.


“People didn’t vote for Trump so that he could bring a white supremacist into the White House,” she said later.

yes they did…


yeah, he definitely “said the quiet parts out loud” and then some.


We need every morsel of our coalition right now, moving in unison. More than just our democracy is at stake, the entirety of the Enlightenment itself. Though I think in opposition, and after the failure, most of the bidness wing agrees with the strategy of a more fiery leader, likely farther to the left.

But that doesn’t mean closing the tent or leaving anyone behind. We need every warrior who is willing to fight. And even a few unfortunate souls who foolishly did NOT fight 7 days ago.


This is tautology: might as well say the sun rises.

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I think that renegotiating NAFTA and TPP might have been bigger draws, but yeah.

I am from a county in Michigan that voted for Obama twice, and flipped for Trump. They voted for Obama in hopes of a better economy. Things essentially stopped getting worse, so they voted again for him in '12. In '16, they got tired of waiting for things to get substantially better. That’s it in a nutshell. As my natal county went, so went the state, and so went Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.


[quote=“inversion, post:3, topic:47208, full:true”]
“People didn’t vote for Trump so that he could bring a white supremacist into the White House,” she said later.

yes they did…
[/quote]Well, maybe 50,000,000 or so. The other 10,000,000 just really didn’t care.



a million times thank you




that’s just it

TPP is about done for and even if NAFTA is teetering on a perch, if the incoming president was somebody normal, then who knows what the negoiations would have bought from all of this.

Who’s the next president elect?

It’s good to see that one voice of sanity and courage still remains. I hope nothing untoward happens to her. I wouldn’t put it past her enemies.


I spent 1 year in Biloxi Mississippi in 1965. I was introduced to the the worst racism in the country at that time. Donald Trump is not a difficult to understand racist. As a veteran of Vietnam I am ashamed of having served this country. Trump is also a draft dodging, medical deferment buying coward. For me to come together with him as president is like coming to gather with Hitler or Mussolini. He is definitely a fascist. I can never support him as president.


want a kick in the head?

both of them were veterans

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They were and unfortunately many of our vets support the asshole.


Me too.

“They were and unfortunately many of our vets support the asshole.”

And there were and fortunately many of us vets who did not support this asshole.

Get it right.

Dear Elizabeth,

Trump’s win (not the popular vote, but…) shows that there are HUGE swathes of American people who don’t think bigotry is the least bit wrong. You cannot educate them, since they’ve already shielded themselves from knowledge about the consequences and drawbacks of bigotry and will never see anything wrong with it.

No sense pointing fingers, no sense trying to shame them since they feel completely empowered to feel as they do, especially with the Bigot-in-Chief in the WH.

There is really nothing much to be done about the millions of people in the US who are anti-black, and now seriously anti-Semitic. I don’t see any redemption possible, at least not into the far future. So, none of the critiques based on horror at bigotry will make any difference and will make Americans simply feel more and more defensive about their (God-given?) right to be nasty.



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"Warren: Steve Bannon’s Appointment Shows Trump ‘Embraces Bigotry’.

He not only embraces it…

He sticks his tongue down its throat, grabs its privates, and gets it to sign a pre-nup.