Good lord. Its like she wants to keep people talking about this.
Apologizing? For a DNA test that proved what her family had always told her? WTF? For fuck’s sake, she never claimed was a member of the Cherokee nation, just that she had some Cherokee ancestry. What a complete non-issue and non-scandal.
I can only assume her team has done some polling and found that the constant right-wing yammering about this somehow works for her.
Funny, Warren never sought to benefit economically from her Cherokee heritage. Contrast that with Kevin McCarthy’s brother-in-law, awarded nearly $8 million in no-bid government contracts at China Lake and LeMoore, on the grounds he was a “discriminated Cherokee”. With zero consequences even if a) his tribe is unrecognized, and b) federal nepotism laws make it illegal for a close relative of a member of congress to receive a massive benefit without disclosure and a written exemption that the conflict of interest has been resolved. Had the law been enforced, McCarthy would be sitting in prison at this moment.
The criticism seemed unwarranted to me. But then again I am a white guy and the criticism was coming directly from the native American community, so shrug
Unlike most politicians, I suspect she apologized privately because she is actually sorry. Then the spokeswoman for the tribe told the NYT.
I wonder what a public apology would look like…
Is this ever going to be over?
It is the most irrelevant thing about Warren.
The fact is, the Cherokee nation was offended by the way she handled it. As a white guy myself, I’m not going to try and put myself in their shoes, but clearly they felt they were being used as props to help her political career. At the very least, she should have consulted with them first before going public. If the right wing machine is yammering in about it, it’s only because she supplied the ammunition. native Americans are rightfully very protective of their identity, there is a long history of non-native Americans claiming native ancestry when in fact, they had none.
I don’t think it was wrong she took the test
I don’t think she has anything to apologize to the Cherokee nation for
thank you
I listened to some native leaders talking about this and what they said was they really didn’t think it was a big deal, they were more concerned about the good work she had been doing for native people. There was a select few who were complaining and its that few who were interviewed for national news organizations. It almost as our national media was trying to make bid deal where none existed. They wouldn’t do that, would they?
This is oppo at its worst, twisting an irrelevant and 99 percent benign thing into something bigger and never letting it go. When you get down to it, she proved the family history had some basis. I wish she could find a way to take it off the table like Obama did. I wish our political discourse was more adult. But then I wish a lot of things.
It’s possible.
It’s always something like this that removes a Democrat from viability. This is about on the level of Dukakis in a tank – stupid, pointless, irrelevant, and a career-ender. The Atwater legacy.
The problem we seem to face is that this crap holds water with the Numbskull-American voter, while actual disqualifying behavior means nothing. She might as well pack it in now. Otherwise, we’ll have right-wingers in feathers with tomahawks outside the Democratic Convention. And somehow, it will be effective for them.
She has Cherokee ancestry. That is a historical, scientific fact. She never claimed anything more or anything less. The “offense”’is absurd.
I’m impressed at Senator Warren’s political skills that she’s proven capable of turning a minor stupid one-week story into a minor stupid two-month (?) story.
Well, she probably does, but the way they determine “Native American” ancestry is via indigenous DNA from Latin America, if I understand correctly. They don’t want people claiming ancestry via DNA, but via cultural/familial connection.Of which she apparently has none.
ETA: not that I care. This should not be an issue in any way. It’s more swiftboating.
Its because the powers that be with MSM dont want her in the race. Many of the owners of MSM outlets would be on the hook to have to pay more, and greed is all they care about
Well hopefully it’s been dragged on so long and beaten to death that by November 2020 people will just go “old news”, “so what?”, “who cares?”