Discussion: Warren Hits Walker Over His Response On ISIL And Unions

Discussion for article #233797

If Scott Walker sees 100,000 teachers & firefighters as his enemies, maybe it’s time we take a closer look at his friends.

Boom! Thank you Elizabeth!


Call me Oliver, but I say: “More, please”


“Not by a landmine – by a landslide out there difference, a Grand Canyon-sized difference,”

Wow, I see he has Bush’s eloquence. Very impressive.


Oh, he’s good!


That is his scale of comparison–he has never been out of his back yard, how would he know the playing field is different.
AFSCME has signs : ISIS has AK-47s
AFSCME has catchy t-shirts : ISIS wears weirdo ace bandages on their heads
AFSCME are local workers and residents : ISIS is, uh, oh… somewhere way far away
AFSCME does hard negotiations : ISIS beheads
All same same – brain-dead and abnormally proud is Walker.


Elizabeth Warren needs to conduct classes in messaging and pushback for the rest of the Democrats.


Scott Walker is the boy in the Freudian slip.


Walker honestly thinks terrorists abide by court orders and stays? If that’s the only kind of pressure he’s used to handling, Walker isn’t even equipped to deal with renegade countries like North Korea much less ISIS.

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absolutely outstanding. Sparse words, depth in meaning… he said in admiration


Couldn’t you have provided an image of this? I am not talented re photoshop, but THIS needs to be done!!!

PS: Bravo!


“My point was just if I can handle that kind of pressure, that kind of
intensity, I think I’m up for the challenge for whatever might come if I
choose to run for President.”

He has no idea.


Walker is trying to prove he has cojones. Whatever ones he might have, Elizabeth Warren has taken away, shall we say?


Well done, Senator. That line about who Walker sees as his enemies may turn out to be a classic.


" if I can handle that kind of pressure, that kind of intensity, I think I’m up for the challenge for whatever might come "

Holy fuck.  That’s a 5 ton truck loaded with 55 gallon barrels of pure clueless.  He not only speaks in argle bargle like Bush and Palin and Bachmann and Cruz and Gomert … he’s right in their class of imbecile, too.

“We will have someone who leads and ultimately will send a message not only that we will protect American soil but do not take this upon freedom-loving people anywhere else in the world”

I can barely parse what he seems to mean with that.  Just what we need: another word-salad candidacy.


That’s what Walker gets for trying to play tough and act like something that he isn’t.
He clearly isn’t ready and has no idea of what he’s getting into.
Walker and Christie are phony tough picking on women and teachers, Putin and ISIL would push them to the brink of war and unlike President Obama, they’d take the bait.

Elizabeth Warren is smart, wicked sensible and she recognizes bullshit just like everyone else.
Walker has managed to make an ass out of himself on several continents, on national TV and in front of his favorite peeps.
The inner clown of Walker has come to the surface.


Mouth open when it should be shut,mouth shut when it should be open.You the man Scott,LOL!!

He compared Americans exercising their constitutional rights to terrorists. Nothing more, nothing less.


Don’t forget the singing, there was singing right?

I’d like to know who paid for his college education?

He was too interested in “politics” to do the studying…came up short on credits…but WHO PAID FOR THIS?

Did he get government assistance for his education he didn’t bother to complete, had other things to do?

Or was it ma and pa? Another moocher from the moocher class? Just let ma and pa pay for everything while he is having fun instead of completing courses?

I find it interesting that some folk actually LIKE that he didn’'t graduate from college. But…who paid for it?

I am tired of the “entitled class” of slackers passing off lack of ambition as a virtue…

I’m sorry, but I went to college too. First in my family to be able to go. I was involved with lots of extra-curricular activities…but it was such a privilege to be there I would never have dreamed of not finishing my degree. I just can’t fathom someone who had the opportunity to get a degree, obviously had the money or the assistance and let everyone down by sloughing off on the studies.

And we should elect a slacker President? OMG