Give 'em Hell, Liz! Funny thing is, this is just common sense, but these days it equates to “hell”.
As I recall, she was the victim of exactly this Senate GOP non-consent strategy when she was being considered to head the consumer protection agency. So then she became a Senator, and better than any of them.
She is a superstar. Brilliant and able to convey a message better than most. A lovely youthful woman who looks more like 50 than in her 60s. I love her
Why after all this time are we still getting the Log In message and that disgusting wheel. How long does it take to fix these bugs???
I grew up around moderate republicans and democrats of the 70s. As a college professor, Warren would have fit right in. That she has been radicalized like this is entirely the doing of republican craziness.
Elizabeth Warren 2020
She’s what a US Senator with genuine integrity looks like. She really is amazing. She says what everyone has already thought, but who many times don’t have the guts to say outloud…and she takes it directly to the nihilists in Congress, no matter the issue they’re trying to obfuscate. You have chosen a great Senator Massachusetts. Wish we had more of them like her. The country wouldn’t be so fucked up with idiot politicians that only care for themselves, and pretend to only care about others at election time.
You find her to be radicalized? That’s odd.
Estoy de acuerdo de ti. Es una leona con coraje
Always enjoy your posts. Spot on observation. Couldn’t have said it better.
Put an E-sting in that slap on the republiCANT faces!
Every, every single senator who refuses to do their jobs, certainly deserves it!
“But Republican extremists don’t object to the qualifications of individual nominees. Instead, they block votes wholesale, in order to keep critical jobs vacant, and to undermine the government itself. In so doing, they insult both the president and the Constitution.”
I haven’t heard it said any better…not even by the President.
There are people that can think congently, but can’t express themselves well. And there are people who have a way with words, but not much to really say. Senator Warren is one of the few that can do both brilliantly. She’d be a fantastic speech writer, if she chose to be one.
Estoy de acuerdo de ti. Es una leona con coraje
sin lugar a dudas
I agree. She is a giant
Aw shucks.
Just think of Sandoval and his Power…and think of this magnificent woman.
Our perception of laudable common sense is sometimes effected by the level of threat the individual poses to maintaining the status quo.
A threat she is indeed, to comfortable economic & political insiders, even if she is nullified in this Congress, but she’s not running against our front runner is she. It’s safe to admire her.
As a popular progressive token for the party, Warren lends the party some of her credibility.
Many wish she were running with one of the candidates, but she’s a better lioness in the Senate where she doesn’t have to tone it down.
God, yes, I hope she runs in 2020. What Bernie started…isn’t limited to this campaign.
I think Clinton will win this year and it would be foolish to have a contested nomination in 2020. It’d just make it more likely that the republicans would win the presidency. With that said, I came here to say that I wish she had run this time instead of Sanders. She would have won and been the Democrats best choice.
HRC’s not working as hard as she is to retire after one term, and it would be extremely foolish for any Democrat to challenge her in 2020. Think 2024 but by then Warren will be 74 and that’s older than HRC is now. I see Warren leading all the Democratic charges in the Senate for a long time, just like this one.